  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 15, 2021

    Im telling you if everything you saying is true and youre not pulling some sketchy s*** youll be fine. NYS tried to sweat me a couple years ago saying i owed back unempmoyment money (prepandemic) and i literally just ignored them. Never even responded let alone gave them any bread. Not s*** happened to me. Im not sayin to do what i did, but i guarantee nothing bad is gonna happen and you def will not have to pay it back lol

    fam just ignored em

    You a goat for that one

  • Mar 15, 2021

    This is the exact reason I stayed away from unemployment lol I was scared of s*** like this happening

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 16, 2021
    2 replies

    Here’s the update yall wanted lmfao:

    My GF got her decision from her first hearing. They are retroactively approving all unemployment payments from March to May. They decided she was eligible for those dates.

    The kicker....... from June - august she (we) are not eligible due to it being a college job, and because of that the job is not promised past may, so they are counting that as overpayment.

    So instead of 16k my gf owes, she only owes 8k.

    Assuming I’m the same (we are) I’m going to have to pay back this 8k. It’s bullshit since I was unemployed and without any of my normal resources senior year to find a job right as I graduate, but whatever I see the reasoning.

    I just gottta think of it this way... we still got 8k from this, and that’s 8k we wouldn’t have without Covid-19 and being unemployed, and we have this money as we never spent it but whatever.

    Glad she got her money reduced. She just has to attend her identity verification hearing next week and she’s done.

    I’m just awaiting my letter now saying I have to pay this back

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 16, 2021

  • Mar 16, 2021
    2 replies

    Tell them you’re a sovereign citizen and the laws don’t apply to you.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 16, 2021
    Jerry Seinfeld

    Tell them you’re a sovereign citizen and the laws don’t apply to you.

  • Mar 16, 2021
    Jerry Seinfeld

    Tell them you’re a sovereign citizen and the laws don’t apply to you.

    Honestly not sure why he didn’t do this sooner.

  • Mar 16, 2021

    F*** them i wouldnt pay s***

  • Mar 16, 2021

    flee the country bro

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 16, 2021

    Biden heard about the winnings and wanted a cut

  • Kengi 💭
    Mar 16, 2021

    Sucks sorry to hear that

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply

    dam i didn't realize you were the guy that won 20k

    f*** em b don't pay that s***

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 16, 2021
    monza sp1 x

    dam i didn't realize you were the guy that won 20k

    f*** em b don't pay that s***

    gonna have to fam

    Not trying to f*** with the government

  • Mar 16, 2021

    f*** them sorry op

  • If the Joker don't f*** with the IRS, then Kroniic got no chance either. Glad the payment got reduced though

  • Mar 16, 2021

  • Mar 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Here’s the update yall wanted lmfao:

    My GF got her decision from her first hearing. They are retroactively approving all unemployment payments from March to May. They decided she was eligible for those dates.

    The kicker....... from June - august she (we) are not eligible due to it being a college job, and because of that the job is not promised past may, so they are counting that as overpayment.

    So instead of 16k my gf owes, she only owes 8k.

    Assuming I’m the same (we are) I’m going to have to pay back this 8k. It’s bullshit since I was unemployed and without any of my normal resources senior year to find a job right as I graduate, but whatever I see the reasoning.

    I just gottta think of it this way... we still got 8k from this, and that’s 8k we wouldn’t have without Covid-19 and being unemployed, and we have this money as we never spent it but whatever.

    Glad she got her money reduced. She just has to attend her identity verification hearing next week and she’s done.

    I’m just awaiting my letter now saying I have to pay this back

    Damn fam that f***ing sucks

    I’m working (barely) but remotely from home and I’m still getting unemployment & saying I make about 100 a week (which is true) I hope no bullshit like this happens

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 16, 2021

    Damn fam that f***ing sucks

    I’m working (barely) but remotely from home and I’m still getting unemployment & saying I make about 100 a week (which is true) I hope no bullshit like this happens

    As long as your hours were cut significantly you should still qualify

    A bit weird with remote work. Hope you’re in the same state

  • Mar 24, 2021
    1 reply

    Here’s the update yall wanted lmfao:

    My GF got her decision from her first hearing. They are retroactively approving all unemployment payments from March to May. They decided she was eligible for those dates.

    The kicker....... from June - august she (we) are not eligible due to it being a college job, and because of that the job is not promised past may, so they are counting that as overpayment.

    So instead of 16k my gf owes, she only owes 8k.

    Assuming I’m the same (we are) I’m going to have to pay back this 8k. It’s bullshit since I was unemployed and without any of my normal resources senior year to find a job right as I graduate, but whatever I see the reasoning.

    I just gottta think of it this way... we still got 8k from this, and that’s 8k we wouldn’t have without Covid-19 and being unemployed, and we have this money as we never spent it but whatever.

    Glad she got her money reduced. She just has to attend her identity verification hearing next week and she’s done.

    I’m just awaiting my letter now saying I have to pay this back

    Damn I’m so sorry y’all still owe 8K but I’m super peroud of you for looking at the bright side of it all at least your girl got her money reduced, and you already know what to expect from the forthcoming letter so the initial shock/worst of it is over. Hang in there fam

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 24, 2021

    Damn I’m so sorry y’all still owe 8K but I’m super peroud of you for looking at the bright side of it all at least your girl got her money reduced, and you already know what to expect from the forthcoming letter so the initial shock/worst of it is over. Hang in there fam

    thanks fam

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 26, 2021

    Here’s a bright side

    with the new relief Bill I guess the first 11k of unemployment is now tax free. We will be getting a credit into our bank accounts by the end of April for all the taxes we paid on the first 11k.

    That’s like 1800$ lol.

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    May 1, 2021

    After 5 months I finally heard from them

    I owe the government 8.6k

  • May 1, 2021


  • May 1, 2021
    1 reply

    this sucks man.

    f*** the system.
