  • Dec 2, 2020

    When they come back for them Trump Bucks...

    trump getting the last laugh sadly

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 2, 2020
    1 reply

    US so broke they tryna get their bread back smh, maybe spend less on military!!

    but god speed OP, u got this one for sure

    i got this trust

    When they find some random ass loophole to make it so I have to pay

  • Dec 2, 2020
    1 reply

    i got this trust

    When they find some random ass loophole to make it so I have to pay

    “so you post on ktt? yea u owe us DOUBLE now, crine asf

  • Dec 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Update on this. I asked wtf “employment outside of my school employment means. And they came back with this

    “My apologies for the confusion. I reached out to PUA to double check on the phrase they provided. They apologized for their error and said you will only need to provide proof that you lost your job because of COVID-19 and proof of MA wages. If that is school wages, it should suffice. As mentioned in the earlier message, they said it may be helpful to provide a specific email or notification from your direct supervisor that you lost employment due to COVID-19. PUA also suggested that you have your W2s readily available.”

    Well that’s much clearer to me. Sounds like I can actually beat this case

    You didn’t alrdy provide a note from your employer saying you can’t work with the fact finding form?

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 2, 2020
    1 reply

    You didn’t alrdy provide a note from your employer saying you can’t work with the fact finding form?

    I did and for some reason they said not good enough lmfaoo

  • Dec 2, 2020
    1 reply

    I did and for some reason they said not good enough lmfaoo

    Something about that mistake on their side in the first email from the ppl helping you is telling me it’s a mistake on their side and you’re gonna be straight when you go to the hearing

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 2, 2020

    Something about that mistake on their side in the first email from the ppl helping you is telling me it’s a mistake on their side and you’re gonna be straight when you go to the hearing

    That’s what I hope lol.

  • Dec 2, 2020

    “so you post on ktt? yea u owe us DOUBLE now, crine asf

  • Dec 2, 2020

    Good luck OP

    F*** the system

  • Dec 2, 2020
    · edited

    For reference. Me and my gf were both student workers. Non work study. At school.

    My school closed down due to Covid and we both lost our jobs there. We didn’t make enough money for normal unemployment but we qualified for PUA (pandemic unemployment)

    I claimed until may where I had an issue with identity verification. They told me then I owed them 4k and I was committing fraud which is bullshit. I fought them all the way to court and got them to pay me from March - July because at the end of July I found a new job and stopped claiming.

    I thought it was finally over then.

    Then me and my gf get “fact finding forms” to prove our place of employment closed due to Covid and our employer said we can’t work. We provided them this information showing our school closed down, and our boss said no more student work until notified, which proves we lost our jobs due to Covid.

    Then last week I get a letter saying I was ineligible from may23rd - July25th and I owe ALL THAT MONEY BACK. Which is 8k. That’s bullshit cause I was unemployed then.

    It gets worse.

    Today my gf gets her results back from the fact finding and they are saying HER WHOLE CLAIM is not eligible and she owes everything back... which is over $16,000

    this is f***ing ridiculous and the system is f***ed all. I have to go to court again for this s***. My gf is so f***ing stressed right now she is going to lose all her money and not be able to afford anything because of this wack ass system.

    Anyways unemployment is wack and we didn’t even commit any fraud yet we are treated like criminals.

    Edit: according to mass legal services (whatever the f*** that is) I’m eligible. F*** This system man I gotta fight them again.

    HUGE UPDATE: i could have done this months ago and they changed the requirements about these overpayments. and because they took so long to determine what i owed (3 months), i am eligible for a waiver to get all the money we back back to them. Just applied for me and my gf and we both got approved and are getting $16,000 back Scam completed

    s*** they finna be after me too that $182 help a nigga out

  • Dec 3, 2020
    3 replies

    Just me but I would never even try to get employment benefits, would rather just earn my own no matter what. you brought this on yourself 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • Dec 3, 2020
    1 reply

    Just me but I would never even try to get employment benefits, would rather just earn my own no matter what. you brought this on yourself 🤷🏾‍♂️

    Basically this

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 16, 2020
    1 reply

    2 days until my hearing

  • Dec 16, 2020

    2 days until my hearing

    GL G

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Dec 17, 2020
    4 replies

    Just submitted about 20 documents to unemployment for my hearing tomorrow. i refuse to lose this s***

  • Dec 17, 2020

    Just submitted about 20 documents to unemployment for my hearing tomorrow. i refuse to lose this s***

    Good for you OP. F*** getting f***ed by the system

  • Dec 17, 2020

    Just submitted about 20 documents to unemployment for my hearing tomorrow. i refuse to lose this s***

    gl op I think ur solid, my friend who got the fact finding form just sent a screenshot of the email saying he had a job for the summer and then another one that said the camp wouldnt be running

    im sorry these morons are wasting so much of your time

  • Dec 17, 2020

    GL KR0N💯

  • Dec 17, 2020

    Just submitted about 20 documents to unemployment for my hearing tomorrow. i refuse to lose this s***

    Lets go

  • Changeofheart

    Just me but I would never even try to get employment benefits, would rather just earn my own no matter what. you brought this on yourself 🤷🏾‍♂️

    ?? Some people don't have any alternative though. If there is a lockdown asking people to stay home, it should not be hard to receive money from the gov.

  • Dec 17, 2020

    Just me but I would never even try to get employment benefits, would rather just earn my own no matter what. you brought this on yourself 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • Dec 17, 2020

    We throwing the chair at the judge like the end of Dead Presidents

  • Dec 17, 2020
    1 reply

    What state?

  • Dec 17, 2020
    2 replies

    Basically this

    man u gotta be the worst poster on the site man, no wonder you drive like a f***in idiot in a bum ass manual 90s toyota

  • Dec 17, 2020

    Just submitted about 20 documents to unemployment for my hearing tomorrow. i refuse to lose this s***

    Fight to the end bro. Don’t let them pull one over on you
