Trendy Way is hella underrated
Septembers was rapping like a modern day Juicy J
Also, Morning Mudd brings tears to my eyes every time
Filthy f***ing snapped on Got Rich
This is the hungriest Year ever sounded on a mic, I don’t get how people put up 2093 with this s***, his delivery is literally a night and day difference
Trendy Way is hella underrated
Septembers was rapping like a modern day Juicy J
Also, Morning Mudd brings tears to my eyes every time
Filthy f***ing snapped on Got Rich
This is the hungriest Year ever sounded on a mic, I don’t get how people put up 2093 with this s***, his delivery is literally a night and day difference
Trendy Way isn’t underrated just bc Yeat has bigger songs now
it did a lot for him at the time
but yeah they snapped
one of Yeat’s best verses and Septembersrich did his thing
Trendy Way isn’t underrated just bc Yeat has bigger songs now
it did a lot for him at the time
but yeah they snapped
one of Yeat’s best verses and Septembersrich did his thing
That’s fair I just never see anyone mention that song when talking about this project
That’s fair I just never see anyone mention that song when talking about this project
perkie got me snail 🐌, you should call me gary
wtfvhappened to this nigga man
but yea amazing album. AOTY 2021 and the best “””rage””” project behind WLR
Bäk on ëm changed my whole listening habits for a long time
this album was a flawless victory for Yeat
Bak On Em is a literal classic
This one album you can throw a dart at the track list and the song is likely better than most niggas discography in the genre
s*** still heat
this has to be his most underrated song btw
No to which ones
a real rage rushmore would be like up 2 me, cold visions, 4L, and alive