Trendy Way is hella underrated
Septembers was rapping like a modern day Juicy J
Also, Morning Mudd brings tears to my eyes every time
Filthy f***ing snapped on Got Rich
This is the hungriest Year ever sounded on a mic, I don’t get how people put up 2093 with this s***, his delivery is literally a night and day difference
Love that song
Idk if there is a better ‘rage’ song than this. What he did on this track is pure genius
I was paralyzed from the hair down. It wasn't until my Alexa misheard my wheelchair squeaking and turned on Yeat, my feeling immediately came back and I can fly now. I now own 69,420 acres of agricultural land where I can grow all the opium poppies and tonka trucks required to produce 60 billion 2 liter bottles full of the finest Wokhardt. Thank you so much Yeat for everything you have blessed me with.