Aye give her a few days to cry but after a while better tell her it's time to be done wit all dat
That’s perfect I’m in LA too, drop the address and I’ll be On my way right now
There could be a multitude of reasons and just past emotions/memories arising that she had moved on from triggered by the tragic passing away and permanence of death.
@op Your partner’s pain with this death doesn’t indicate anything at all about their love and loyalty to you. Be there for them and in due time things will be back to normal. Don’t overthink it. Grief hurts and she needs you rn
yeah but those are questions worth discussing when the time is right. plus you don’t know about that second part. im not saying for sure that she’s crying over the nigga like he pac im saying it’s perfectly reasonable to also feel that way on OP’s part because it’s not really that normal to like completely break down like that over an ex especially if the relationship didn’t end that well which let’s face it, most don’t.
Aye give her a few days to cry but after a while better tell her it's time to be done wit all dat
Yeah if you want to be single @op do what this dude said
Niggas feel jealous & controlling over a dead sick nigga LMAO
I mean we don't really got any context other than ex-BF
they dated for 2 months or 5 years? how long ago did they break up? were they still close after break up? when was the last time they had meaningful contact?
I would not be crying and grieving if any of my ex gf died. they're no longer part of my life
yeah this is important context. there’s a few girls i would break down like crazy over if i found out they died, but the rest? i mean nah. i feel sad and be like “damn that’s crazy wtf. hope the family is alright” and all that and if i were able reach out and give them my condolences.
She not gonna enjoy consoling you about your ex for weeks on end. You're playing yourself if you think that bro. After a while she will tell you to man up.
Now here’s the real discussion. If the roles were reversed
She just found out he died from cancer and he had cancer while she was with him. Now she's grieving and Idk what to do cause it feels a lil awkward since its a nigga from before me yknow? What do I do?
Damn i hope he didn't give it to her then. You should probably go get tested man
yeah but those are questions worth discussing when the time is right. plus you don’t know about that second part. im not saying for sure that she’s crying over the nigga like he pac im saying it’s perfectly reasonable to also feel that way on OP’s part because it’s not really that normal to like completely break down like that over an ex especially if the relationship didn’t end that well which let’s face it, most don’t.
All I’m saying is, if these two people shared an emotional connection at one point then it would make sense to grieve the passing of said person, even if we are not together anymore and I had no intentions of ever getting back together with said person and am in a new relationship.
A loss of life is a loss of life, and it is a normal human emotion to react to that loss of life that once meant something to you via grief.
All I was saying is the best thing for @op to do is just be there for his girlfriend and sensitively inquire about the pain so he can learn more about why it is she is grieving.
Such as “I’m sorry this is hurting you, feel free to share with me what you’re experiencing and I will do my best to support you. This tragedy that happened to someone you once cared a lot about is hard for me to understand, but I’m here to support you as best as I can. Talk to me when you’re ready”
That’s both healthy and communicative to your partner and could actually help you grow closer as they would feel even more comfortable expressing their emotions with you that they may have buried away for a long time. That’s what I would do if my girl was experiencing something similar
All I’m saying is, if these two people shared an emotional connection at one point then it would make sense to grieve the passing of said person, even if we are not together anymore and I had no intentions of ever getting back together with said person and am in a new relationship.
A loss of life is a loss of life, and it is a normal human emotion to react to that loss of life that once meant something to you via grief.
All I was saying is the best thing for @op to do is just be there for his girlfriend and sensitively inquire about the pain so he can learn more about why it is she is grieving.
Such as “I’m sorry this is hurting you, feel free to share with me what you’re experiencing and I will do my best to support you. This tragedy that happened to someone you once cared a lot about is hard for me to understand, but I’m here to support you as best as I can. Talk to me when you’re ready”
That’s both healthy and communicative to your partner and could actually help you grow closer as they would feel even more comfortable expressing their emotions with you that they may have buried away for a long time. That’s what I would do if my girl was experiencing something similar
reasonable response, respect
Just try to be there for her as a friend first and boyfriend. This doesn't have to be as awkward as it seems. How would you react to a close friend dying? You could be hearing this guys name a lot soon, just try to relax and chill out. Try to attend everything related to his death like his funeral and balloon releases. Losing someone close to you is always hard and everyone grieves differently. You might be hearing his name next year and the year after that too for balloon releases, just try to be supportive. Go shopping with her for the funeral dress and maybe get her something they both enjoyed.
My life doesn't need to f***ing matter at all to my ex lmao. We moved on and have been living our own separate lives with new people. To expect her and her new bf to give a f*** about me is insane s*** and I wouldn't care either.
I'm in LA btw pull up whenever we got sumthing for ya
What could you possibly have for him?! I’m intrigued
Niggas feel jealous & controlling over a dead sick nigga LMAO
Just know when it slips out she putting Casper right back in