Anyone new itt just know @Lisa a well known KTT sociopath that cant even decide what race he is for the last 10 years yall gotta discard 99.9% of most things that dude says frfr.
Oh wow
Thought that was just a girl with a lot of hatred and bitterness in her heart
Everytime yall are fighting she’s gonna be thinking of how perfect her life would’ve been if bro didn’t get cancer and died. That’s true, even though it’s bs
Nigga my mom literally laughed in my face when I told her this s***
she outsavaged this thread
wow that’s him?
i remember he made a long ass list of fetishes and incest was one of them on KTT1
Aye give her a few days to cry but after a while better tell her it's time to be done wit all dat
Damn, b, no wonder your girl broke up with you
Listen bro no one is telling op cut it off because she is getting emotional about her ex dying. All I'm saying is there is an appropriate grieving period and for sure isn't more than 14 days
Everybody grieves different.
You psychopath
I'd understand if he caught cancer while they weren't together but she was there with him while he was sick? That's gotta be tough for her. She's going through alot rn just be there for her
s*** would be odee sus anyone saying otherwise is straight up lying
like it's an ex boyfriend. was he the love of your life or some s***? you were hoping to get back with him one day? you can't be crying over that for weeks it's a red flag
The nigga dead lol the flag went with him so what's the point
Alright bro chill lets not start getting into loser territory lol
Wrong use of the word my boi
I never said friends. "best friends". guy "best friends". aka guys waiting for an opportunity to f*** if they get a chance
overly close, tryna spend 1 on 1 time together, go on lil dates. like fam you don't have homies? why you always tryna chill with ONE girl thats not even your girl?
those type of guys
The insecurity is insane.
Girls probs see it right as you walk in the door.
Aye give her a few days to cry but after a while better tell her it's time to be done wit all dat
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