Ayo I’m 4 missions away from finishing this game mfs was saying assin creed just like toshima dis correct? I watch gameolay of Mirag but mfs saying combat trash and how you navigate in that jawn? It look mad confusing. Also I got a ps5 any older creed game that look good on that jawn I can play
assassins creed is garbo now
Buy the Ezio trilogy and Black Flag.
Only great ones.
What dis??? The graphics good?
assassins creed is garbo now
damn the Aladdin jawn was looking dope but I heard combat and navigation trash smh
damn the Aladdin jawn was looking dope but I heard combat and navigation trash smh
ya I think they added more RPG type elements
What dis??? The graphics good?
Black Flag will be decent graphics wise as it released end of PS3 gen (apparently they are remaking it so it'll get better but I expect Ubisoft to f*** it up somehow). Not comparable to the recent ones graphics wise but not s***ty at all.
Ezio trilogy was a remastered collection of AC 2, AC Brotherhood and AC Revelations which are great games but they definitely have dated graphics.
Imo, Black Flag, AC 2 and AC Brotherhood are the best of the series so go for them despite mediocre graphics.
Black Flag will be decent graphics wise as it released end of PS3 gen (apparently they are remaking it so it'll get better but I expect Ubisoft to f*** it up somehow). Not comparable to the recent ones graphics wise but not s***ty at all.
Ezio trilogy was a remastered collection of AC 2, AC Brotherhood and AC Revelations which are great games but they definitely have dated graphics.
Imo, Black Flag, AC 2 and AC Brotherhood are the best of the series so go for them despite mediocre graphics.
Smh brodie I need good graphics or i cant play i got a ps 5 for a reason
Smh brodie I need good graphics or i cant play i got a ps 5 for a reason
Stick to Ghosts of Tsushima then, the Assassin's Creed with good graphics suck.
Stick to Ghosts of Tsushima then, the Assassin's Creed with good graphics suck.
I’m finna be done with that game by like tomorrow. Need me a new game
Play 2, bother hood, revelations, 3, and black flag
I’m finna be done with that game by like tomorrow. Need me a new game
Play God Of War 2018 and then Ragnarok.
Play God Of War 2018 and then Ragnarok.
These games got a mini map? How you navigate?
Play 2, bother hood, revelations, 3, and black flag
Dis all assin creed games? Which one got best graphics on ps 5
Assassins Creed is not like Ghost of Tsusima, at all
but you should really do the following
Assassins Creed 2
Assassins Creed Brotherhood
Assassins Creed Revelations
These 3 are mandatory and they are the best story and gameplay wise. You play in Italy during Renaissance and meet with Leonardo Da Vinci and he helps you by crafting tools for you (you get some type of pistol in your sleeve)
After this point the main story kinda fades away (which is very disappointing), so you might feel a bit lost if the story catches on you
Assassins Creed Black Flag if you like pirates, I've heard it has great boat play, but of course it has less climbing on high buildings than the previous ones.
Assassins Creed Unity brings (back) the best movement and assassin-like feeling, you play during the French Revolution and it's really beautiful designed
Assassins Creed Syndicate is similar to the previous one, but you're in England during WW1 and you can play as 2 assassins at the same time (brothers). You can ride trains in this game.
Assassins Creed Origins if you like Ancient Egypt, I haven't played it but I heard good things about it, the gameplay is just much different than the other ones
Assassins Creed Odyssey if you like Ancient Greece/Sparta, it has a nice story but also the gameplay starts feelings more like The Witcher 3, where the game is basically a mix of RPG with open-world adventure. Personally I loved it because it has a very well designed world, it includes boat play too, but also many mythological aspects.
Assassins Creed Valhalla if you like the God of War aesthethics and combat type, there isn't as much climbing as the previous ones because you spend your time in nature most, it also feels less like an assassin type game because there isn't much stealth play.
Assassins Creed Mirage feels like a revamped Assassins Creed 1, but they include 'special powers' like teleportation and stuff like that and it really looses the essence of being an authentic assassin, other than that, good graphics and good parkour play.
Dis all assin creed games? Which one got best graphics on ps 5
These are the good ones.
They will all look pretty similar
heres the links to the ones you wanna play
store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0001-CUSA05008_00-ACLEGACYHD000000 (2, brotherhood, revelations)
store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0001-CUSA11711_00-AC3GAMEPS4000001 - 3
store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0001-CUSA00010_00-AC4GAMEPS4000001 - Black Flag
Probably 3 will look the best
Also to note all of these are included in PlayStation Plus Extra or PlayStation Plus Premium.
These games got a mini map? How you navigate?
No mini-map but it's not a proper open world so doesn't matters. The combat and story blows any other game mentioned in this thread.
These are the good ones.
They will all look pretty similar
heres the links to the ones you wanna play
https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0001-CUSA05008_00-ACLEGACYHD000000 (2, brotherhood, revelations)
https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0001-CUSA11711_00-AC3GAMEPS4000001 - 3
https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0001-CUSA00010_00-AC4GAMEPS4000001 - Black Flag
Probably 3 will look the best
Also to note all of these are included in PlayStation Plus Extra or PlayStation Plus Premium.
Yo I’m finna download it they on ps 5
No mini-map but it's not a proper open world so doesn't matters. The combat and story blows any other game mentioned in this thread.
So I just go straight and I’m Gucci when looking for where to go
So I just go straight and I’m Gucci when looking for where to go
Most of the times yes, when you clear an area you use the boat to go to another area with the help of the proper map. It's a short area though so you won't have any problems, nothing like GTA.
Yall how is wo long dynasty? @lil_ufo @Kr0niic @spiderman