Science is manmade. Physics is a theory not law
The article doesn’t say that
Watch the interviews.
The military guy says it doesn’t obey physics
Science is manmade. Physics is a theory not law
Pretty much laws now though lol of our earth at least
Area 51 wasn’t a base that was primarily devoted for alien and extraterrestrial research
A lot of the things that went on there was f***ed up human-experimentation, and the development of controversial technologies with the support of newly recruited Nazi scientists via operation paper clip
Science is manmade. Physics is a theory not law
do we really have to argue about how a scientific theory is different from a "normal" theory again?
check these channels out
alright, this better be hard science, no ancient aliens s***
Pretty much laws now though lol of our earth at least
Laws of our age not necessarily earths law
do we really have to argue about how a scientific theory is different from a "normal" theory again?
We don’t have to but if you want I’m down
Our science is different than those before us
alright, this better be hard science, no ancient aliens s***
the 1st channel has some vids like that but his other vids are good
2nd channel is better though, that Trump video is a trip
A million percent the ones that have been sighted are trying to help us in some form or fashion.
Because if they were hostile, we would’ve BEEN taken over
Have there been official sightings?
I mean the universe is huge and the earth is only a peck of dust compared to it, what makes you think that we’re the only ones so special to hold life.
Humans can't even see all of the colors, I don't expect humans to be able to see aliens
Them boys might be in some hydro-purple-metallic that we can't even process
s*** that ufo probably a super rocket/drone
Humans can't even see all of the colors, I don't expect humans to be able to see aliens
Them boys might be in some hydro-purple-metallic that we can't even process
s*** that ufo probably a super rocket/drone
So you think they’re here among us?