  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply

    We all one race and thatā€™s the human race and we over here fighting each other when we should be working together to defeat alien races and s***

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply

    So you think theyā€™re here among us?

    They could be and we deadass do not know it lmao

    We don't even know what's at the bottom of the ocean. I imagine there's a lot of things humans (through the naked eye or natural senses) can't perceive, aliens could surely be one of them

  • Jul 24, 2020

    What if weā€™re all just an experiment from another life form

  • Jul 24, 2020

    What if weā€™re all just an experiment from another life form

    Annunaki vibes

  • Jul 24, 2020

    I didnā€™t see anything in the article about ā€œcatchingā€ anything

  • Jul 24, 2020

    We are a species punished to live in prison (earth)

  • Jul 24, 2020

    I heard some conspiracy mfs talking abt this NY Times article last week. Didnā€™t think it was actually happening bro what

    #1 trending on twitter

  • Jul 24, 2020
  • Jul 24, 2020

    maybe they'll kill us all

  • Jul 24, 2020

    heh heh hey Jimbo, you ever wonder why our dollar bills is not worth something? The United States went bankrupt in 1933 and the president signed the Executive Order 6102 to not let someone hoard or keep gold them. Gold? Yes. The dollar were backed up by gold which itā€™s gold standard. Therefore, itā€™s worth something in correlation with supply of gold. You ever seen the Stanley Kubrickā€™s film, The Shining? Watch it again. However thereā€™s more in to it, in 1913, a meeting took place with wealthy individuals made plans to create a central bank called the Federal Reserve and it was passed without congressional approval! Now isnā€™t that just quackinā€™ crazy!

  • lnstinct

    Lmao this GIF is GOAT

  • Jul 24, 2020

    of course this is happening as this huge election is about to take place

    they're gonna drop a major revelation on us in January like "aliens are real and amongst us" the day after trump officially refuses to leave office

  • Jul 24, 2020

    Alien p****

  • Jul 24, 2020

    Thank u Tom delonge!

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply

    We all one race and thatā€™s the human race and we over here fighting each other when we should be working together to defeat alien races and s***

    Ever since I was a kid watching DBZ and s*** like that, I always thought that it would take something like an alien invasion to finally achieve world peace

    World peace isn't universal peace though

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply


    If thereā€™s a meal taking place and youā€™re not invited itā€™s quite possible youā€™re being served as one of the main courses

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply

  • Jul 24, 2020

    me to the aliens

  • Jul 24, 2020
    Strictly Syrup

    Shouts out Tom DeLonge the GOAT

    Facts yo

    Heā€™s the reason we know all of this

    S/o to this classic:

  • Jul 24, 2020

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply

    if there are aliens how does praying benefit us lol

    To have eternal life in Heaven with God and Jesus if you accept Jesus into your life

  • Jul 24, 2020
    1 reply
    fmvp yzy vert


    If thereā€™s a meal taking place and youā€™re not invited itā€™s quite possible youā€™re being served as one of the main courses

    F*** you talking bout bro

  • Jul 24, 2020

    Ever since I was a kid watching DBZ and s*** like that, I always thought that it would take something like an alien invasion to finally achieve world peace

    World peace isn't universal peace though

  • Jul 24, 2020

    F*** you talking bout bro

    There are conversations going on rn and have been going on.
    If you are not in these rooms all I will say is itā€™s not gonna end well...
