  • Jul 25, 2020

    lowkey when the images come out its gonna be some underwhelming ass s*** like this or something


  • Jul 25, 2020

    aliens stationed inside the moon like

  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Humans can't even see all of the colors, I don't expect humans to be able to see aliens

    Them boys might be in some hydro-purple-metallic that we can't even process

    s*** that ufo probably a super rocket/drone

    What if aliens been here the whole time.just cloaked

  • Jul 25, 2020

    Aliens probably evolved past the need for being vocal. Think about how stupid animals sound to us trying to communicate with their barking and hissing and howling. We probably look the same to aliens.

  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Humans can't even see all of the colors, I don't expect humans to be able to see aliens

    Them boys might be in some hydro-purple-metallic that we can't even process

    s*** that ufo probably a super rocket/drone

    damn is this forreal humans cant see all of the colors i always thought about that

  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply

    If an alien species had become so advanced as to be able to successfully do interplanetary/intergalaxy travel, they would have no interest in coming to this hellhole we have lol

  • Jul 25, 2020

    What if aliens been here the whole time.just cloaked

    niggas walking around butt nekkid but our eyes only on prestige 1 when you need prestige 10 to see them

  • Jul 25, 2020

    i guarantee you them aliens saw Florida, said "fuck it" and left before even coming near us

  • Jul 25, 2020
    2 replies

    Humans can't even see all of the colors, I don't expect humans to be able to see aliens

    Them boys might be in some hydro-purple-metallic that we can't even process

    s*** that ufo probably a super rocket/drone

    Its a few different types. Depends which ones you encounter. I wouldn’t fight the little gray ones because they’re just artificial intelligence worker bees carrying out orders. Wouldn’t fight the older taller gray ones since they’re elder race and peaceful. Plus, they’re on our side. Same thing with the 6ft 5 Nordic blonde humanoids but they seem be more interested in the planets well being anyways. The ones to fight or flat out run away from are the reptilians, nothing but disdain for the human race and want the planet to themselves. We’re lucky to have other aliens on our side to help us or else we would’ve been gone long ago.

  • Jul 25, 2020
    MVP Pinhead

    Its a few different types. Depends which ones you encounter. I wouldn’t fight the little gray ones because they’re just artificial intelligence worker bees carrying out orders. Wouldn’t fight the older taller gray ones since they’re elder race and peaceful. Plus, they’re on our side. Same thing with the 6ft 5 Nordic blonde humanoids but they seem be more interested in the planets well being anyways. The ones to fight or flat out run away from are the reptilians, nothing but disdain for the human race and want the planet to themselves. We’re lucky to have other aliens on our side to help us or else we would’ve been gone long ago.

  • when you think 2020 hasn't f***ed you over enough already and 3:11 happens

  • Jul 25, 2020
    MVP Pinhead

    Its a few different types. Depends which ones you encounter. I wouldn’t fight the little gray ones because they’re just artificial intelligence worker bees carrying out orders. Wouldn’t fight the older taller gray ones since they’re elder race and peaceful. Plus, they’re on our side. Same thing with the 6ft 5 Nordic blonde humanoids but they seem be more interested in the planets well being anyways. The ones to fight or flat out run away from are the reptilians, nothing but disdain for the human race and want the planet to themselves. We’re lucky to have other aliens on our side to help us or else we would’ve been gone long ago.

    Which one got that good p**** tho

  • Jul 25, 2020

    What happens to religion now?

  • Jul 25, 2020

    In jesus name.. no more cap

  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Aliens chilling in their red-green spaceships and walk amongst us in their yellow-blue suits.

    Are aliens and ghosts connected in some way? Are you being watched right now? Probably not, but it’s always a possibility.

    Someone above me said something about aliens participating in human culture and I don’t know about that. Like you would think they would’ve put us on some progressive economic path that s***s on capitalism and socialism.

    Idk lol

  • Jul 25, 2020
    Papi Plug

    Aliens chilling in their red-green spaceships and walk amongst us in their yellow-blue suits.

    Are aliens and ghosts connected in some way? Are you being watched right now? Probably not, but it’s always a possibility.

    Someone above me said something about aliens participating in human culture and I don’t know about that. Like you would think they would’ve put us on some progressive economic path that s***s on capitalism and socialism.

    Idk lol

    these ufo's are just AI which stands for Alien Intelligence

  • Jul 25, 2020

    if aliens really exist, theyre AI.

  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Imagine if aliens come here and are like

    “what can we help you with guys aha?”, and we’re like

    “hey guys well we have this climate crisis right now”
    and they’re like

    “oh no problem we had one of those we just used these”

    Yeah too good to be true

  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply

    The 2020 season finale we deserve

    i think you mean mid-season finale

  • Jul 25, 2020

    Imagine if aliens come here and are like

    “what can we help you with guys aha?”, and we’re like

    “hey guys well we have this climate crisis right now”
    and they’re like

    “oh no problem we had one of those we just used these”

    Yeah too good to be true

    I fantasize about this way more than I should ....

  • Jul 25, 2020

    Aliens being real would change the whole world in just a few days I don’t think anyone is ready for that. They can succ a d though what are those pranks ? Just come out b

  • Jul 25, 2020
    hey man relax

    i think you mean mid-season finale

    Imagine the 2 part series finale
