If they release proof that alien life exists would you religious folks still remain religious?
Apparently these are not vehicles, but materials from vehicles.
And also after researching a bit. These are materials that were discovered nearly 30 years ago and have been passed around behind govt contracts. Multiple people have talked about this for years.
These are materials that are clearly not from this world and in 30 years we have yet to make heads or tails of it. Overall nothing new. Those in the know have looked over it forever and that's all they could ascertain is that it's from a vehicle not from here.
So yes evidence of aliens exist. It's just sad that we havent come close to understanding it in decades. Who knows if aliens will ever come by our sector of the galaxy ever again. Maybe this was a passover and they realized we just arent ready as a civilization, I'm inclined to agree. Who f***ing knows. All I know is that they're real and dont bother with us because we are not of enough importance. That's kind of a good thing though. Because that means they have enough intelligence to not attack the first thing they dont understand
If they release proof that alien life exists would you religious folks still remain religious?
I still believe in a creator God. Who knows about the rest. Maybe theres a Jesus in each intelligent species? As If I know anything.
Need some pics of alien d***s and coochies and tatas and dumpers
yevin asking the real questions
Need some pics of alien d***s and coochies and tatas and dumpers
P**** outta this world, literally
Apparently these are not vehicles, but materials from vehicles.
And also after researching a bit. These are materials that were discovered nearly 30 years ago and have been passed around behind govt contracts. Multiple people have talked about this for years.
These are materials that are clearly not from this world and in 30 years we have yet to make heads or tails of it. Overall nothing new. Those in the know have looked over it forever and that's all they could ascertain is that it's from a vehicle not from here.
So yes evidence of aliens exist. It's just sad that we havent come close to understanding it in decades. Who knows if aliens will ever come by our sector of the galaxy ever again. Maybe this was a passover and they realized we just arent ready as a civilization, I'm inclined to agree. Who f***ing knows. All I know is that they're real and dont bother with us because we are not of enough importance. That's kind of a good thing though. Because that means they have enough intelligence to not attack the first thing they dont understand
Lol we pretty much have evidence that an alien had a car accident in space and a piece of their car landed on earth .... Lol neat
Lol we pretty much have evidence that an alien had a car accident in space and a piece of their car landed on earth .... Lol neat
We basically have evidence that an Alien had a bit of a fender bender except we have the fender
But it's actual proof of Aliens. Which is still incredible. Even if we may never make contact with them in our lifetime we at least know that they are in fact intelligent and possibly moreso than us
Need some pics of alien d***s and coochies and tatas and dumpers
you people are sick
you people are sick
Youre telling me if the government released images of alien reproductive systems you wouldnt be interested?
Youre telling me if the government released images of alien reproductive systems you wouldnt be interested?
UFO doesn't mean Alien my guy
yall think aliens look almost human like or nah?
Probably.... But instead of them being different hues of brown they're probably like different hues of blue or or green or something like that.
And the darker blue ones are called black ppl and they treat them worst because of it. And the lighter ones that are like pinkish blue are called white ppl and they're treated better because their society is goofy and uses something as arbitrary as lighter/darker hues of blue to judge one another...
Shouts out Tom DeLonge the GOAT
Wasn't he allegedly working with the government to slowly revealing aliens to the world in a digestible way
“The part that drew our attention was how it wasn’t behaving within the normal laws of physics"
Where did you read this at
Need ufo titties now. Flying milk trucks
How to hypnotize the entire population
I ain't even mad
UFO doesn't mean Alien my guy
They mentioned aircraft thats not of this planet
They mentioned aircraft thats not of this planet
UFO is anything that's not identified, which most likely means its another countrie's military is running some experiments.
UFO is anything that's not identified, which most likely means its another countrie's military is running some experiments.
I understand that, but like i said the dude mentioned not of this planet so i talked about aliens
I understand that, but like i said the dude mentioned not of this planet so i talked about aliens
oh get it
If they release proof that alien life exists would you religious folks still remain religious?
Speaking for my religion, Islam explicitly states that there are different worlds, that there were things before humans and so on.