  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply

    In for 2020 season finale being alien invasion

  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Speaking for my religion, Islam explicitly states that there are different worlds, that there were things before humans and so on.


  • Jul 25, 2020


    Yeah it's the second line of the first chapter of the Quran

  • KobeToThe 🇩🇴
    Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    UFO is anything that's not identified, which most likely means its another countrie's military is running some experiments.

    But they’re specifically talking about “off-world-vehicles not made on this earth”

  • Jul 25, 2020

    But they’re specifically talking about “off-world-vehicles not made on this earth”

    its clickbait fam

  • Jul 25, 2020
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Apparently these are not vehicles, but materials from vehicles.

    And also after researching a bit. These are materials that were discovered nearly 30 years ago and have been passed around behind govt contracts. Multiple people have talked about this for years.

    These are materials that are clearly not from this world and in 30 years we have yet to make heads or tails of it. Overall nothing new. Those in the know have looked over it forever and that's all they could ascertain is that it's from a vehicle not from here.

    So yes evidence of aliens exist. It's just sad that we havent come close to understanding it in decades. Who knows if aliens will ever come by our sector of the galaxy ever again. Maybe this was a passover and they realized we just arent ready as a civilization, I'm inclined to agree. Who f***ing knows. All I know is that they're real and dont bother with us because we are not of enough importance. That's kind of a good thing though. Because that means they have enough intelligence to not attack the first thing they dont understand

    We’re probably a reality show for them honestly.

    They sit back after a workday and watch us act dumb and constantly destroy ourselves.

  • loading 🧊
    Jul 25, 2020

    what if they friendly

  • loading 🧊
    Jul 25, 2020
    2 replies

    then again what if they evil

  • loading

    then again what if they evil

    If you cant beat em join em

  • Jul 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Need some pics of alien d***s and coochies and tatas and dumpers

    I got some leaks from the CIA im posting them on my Onlyfans if you wanna peep its @SlimeyAlienudes

  • Jul 26, 2020
    1 reply
    goonicide bomber

    I got some leaks from the CIA im posting them on my Onlyfans if you wanna peep its @​SlimeyAlienudes

    Wow its so big

  • Jul 26, 2020

    We’re probably a reality show for them honestly.

    They sit back after a workday and watch us act dumb and constantly destroy ourselves.

    Damn....they're probably just bootlegging our satellites, recording our shows, sending it back to their homeworld and then charging their citizens $19.99 a month to watch our shows

    Some alien kids are out there watching fresh Prince of bel-air

  • Jul 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Lmao at mfs ITT denying alien life, even after literal proof has surfaced.

    Our OWN planet is so big, (Yet ultimately so f***ing tiny) that we still haven’t fully explored it and have literal thousands of unidentified never before seen “alien” species in our own oceans.

    Then you take into consideration how tiny and insignificant we are in our own solar system, let alone our own galaxy, let alone the entire f***ing UNIVERSE, and you mean to tell me that you honestly for a second believe that we are the ONLY life? It’s jus vast nothingness and we’re jus magically the only living things in billions of lightyears of space? That itself is almost a scarier thought.

    That said, been known. And this is great news if you ain’t a scary ass mf. I don’t think we’ll ever meet any alien race in our lifetime tho. And don’t be foolish enough to assume that their first instinct would be to wipe us out. They’re prolly so much more advanced than us that it would be a complete waste of time. Or primitive and not capable. The rest is all movie ass bullshit.

  • Jul 26, 2020

    damn is this forreal humans cant see all of the colors i always thought about that

    Yea look up the mantis shrimp. Humans see 3 different color spectrums, mantis shrimp see 9. Making something like 27 different colors they can see that humans can’t.

  • Jul 26, 2020
    2 replies

    Lmao at mfs ITT denying alien life, even after literal proof has surfaced.

    Our OWN planet is so big, (Yet ultimately so f***ing tiny) that we still haven’t fully explored it and have literal thousands of unidentified never before seen “alien” species in our own oceans.

    Then you take into consideration how tiny and insignificant we are in our own solar system, let alone our own galaxy, let alone the entire f***ing UNIVERSE, and you mean to tell me that you honestly for a second believe that we are the ONLY life? It’s jus vast nothingness and we’re jus magically the only living things in billions of lightyears of space? That itself is almost a scarier thought.

    That said, been known. And this is great news if you ain’t a scary ass mf. I don’t think we’ll ever meet any alien race in our lifetime tho. And don’t be foolish enough to assume that their first instinct would be to wipe us out. They’re prolly so much more advanced than us that it would be a complete waste of time. Or primitive and not capable. The rest is all movie ass bullshit.

    Where they at tho

  • plants

    maybe they'll kill us all

    In for Aliens saving us from 2020

  • Jul 26, 2020

    In for 2020 season finale being alien invasion

    Cliffhanger for 2021

  • Jul 26, 2020
    1 reply

    then again what if they evil

    Can't be more evil than America or China ngl

  • loading 🧊
    Jul 26, 2020
    dat guy

    Can't be more evil than America or China ngl

    true much better than suffering

  • loading 🧊
    Jul 26, 2020

    abduct me alien papi

  • Jul 26, 2020

    Where they at tho

    Out there

  • Jul 26, 2020

    damn this underwhelming af

  • Jul 26, 2020
  • Jul 26, 2020
    frank 2022

    I’m 95% sure that if the government claims aliens are real, it’s a lie to control people.
