  • Apr 4, 2023

    Do you think material conditions suddenly worsened when social media became popular or

    yes i do think material conditions have been getting steadily worse

  • Apr 4, 2023

    Yall voted for this admin

    Now deal with it

    Biggest liberal democracy fan

  • Apr 4, 2023

    Tyler the creator: “How is cyber bullying real lmao like nigga just turn off your screen lmfao hahaha go outside lol”

    millennials: “haha so true” *likes the tweet billions of times

    people nowadays: “oh f*** I am so mentally unstable and it’s everyone else’s fault but my own heheh man am I a weak minded and weak bodied person heheh totally. at least I am nice to everyone all the time, unless they’re like, on the wrong team lol? woooah kenny! My feelings are hurt, i’m offended, and that matters. pay attention to me!”

    people who are better than that: crickets [they’ve all but checked out of the endless insanity loop known as “I’m miserable and you should be too”

    wtf lol

  • Apr 4, 2023

    Tyler the creator: “How is cyber bullying real lmao like nigga just turn off your screen lmfao hahaha go outside lol”

    millennials: “haha so true” *likes the tweet billions of times

    people nowadays: “oh f*** I am so mentally unstable and it’s everyone else’s fault but my own heheh man am I a weak minded and weak bodied person heheh totally. at least I am nice to everyone all the time, unless they’re like, on the wrong team lol? woooah kenny! My feelings are hurt, i’m offended, and that matters. pay attention to me!”

    people who are better than that: crickets [they’ve all but checked out of the endless insanity loop known as “I’m miserable and you should be too”

  • Apr 4, 2023

    Not a fan of this big brother 2.0 stuff, but; at the same time we're really not going to act like social media hasn't destroyed the majority of socializing our society relies on as a primary basic human need? If they could just tweak this bill a little bit, would personally have no issues with it. That being said; who seriously cares about NOT having access to phone applications produced in China? The only thing that's concerning is the fact that VPN's might be restricted.

  • Apr 5, 2023

    Seriously, it’s very irresponsible that the mods are letting this be discussed as just a “tiktok ban” when the severity of this bill is huge and potentially life changing for every single one of us

    What should the title be