And throwing a b**** fit and refusing to participate accomplishes what?
You are so faux-deep.
You are so faux-deep.
This doesn't even make sense. Waiting for the perfect candidate from the perfect party to come along has real life consequences on the most vulnerable
And throwing a b**** fit and refusing to participate accomplishes what?
the same as voting
the same as voting
You should go look up some of the change voting has enacted in the last ~60 years
This doesn't even make sense. Waiting for the perfect candidate from the perfect party to come along has real life consequences on the most vulnerable
whenever you guys talk about “harm reduction” you’re almost exclusively referring to millennial western white women
whenever you guys talk about “harm reduction” you’re almost exclusively referring to millennial western white women
Ngl I have no idea what you're trying to say here
Well time to see what happens considering there’s a homeless person on p much every street in San Antonio
whenever you guys talk about “harm reduction” you’re almost exclusively referring to millennial western white women
What do you think should be done instead?
There are so many abandoned / unused buildings and unused land to shelter homeless people but they rather call them criminals then find solutions / housing for them smh
There are so many abandoned / unused buildings and unused land to shelter homeless people but they rather call them criminals then find solutions / housing for them smh
You know there’s more to it than the literal shelter aspect right?
There are so many abandoned / unused buildings and unused land to shelter homeless people but they rather call them criminals then find solutions / housing for them smh
Throw 200 d*** using mentally ill homeless people into a building. Jeez what can go wrong
This is a means to funnel homeless people into prison slavery
The 13th amendment permits slavery only as a legal punishment. This would increase the penal labor force by hundreds of thousands
Our massive prison population is not an arbitrary statistic. Everyone is aware of it, what it entails, and why it can be beneficial to them
Well I know of homeless people who've purposely went to jail just to get a bed to sleep on and food in their belly. I'd imagine this wouldn't be that different for most of them
There are so many abandoned / unused buildings and unused land to shelter homeless people but they rather call them criminals then find solutions / housing for them smh
Do you think the problem is that simple? Many of these individuals have mental health issues and addictions that caused their situation to begin with. They'll be right back where they started if none of that is treated
Well I know of homeless people who've purposely went to jail just to get a bed to sleep on and food in their belly. I'd imagine this wouldn't be that different for most of them
Okay and so slavery is ok?
Okay and so slavery is ok?
No but shooting up heroin on a sidewalk and taking s***s in front children at a park isn’t either
No but shooting up heroin on a sidewalk and taking s***s in front children at a park isn’t either
What does that have to do with homelessness
Okay and so slavery is ok?
No but it's better than kids hopping of the bus and having to see this s***
No but it's better than kids hopping of the bus and having to see this s***
! so keeping our homeless in a cycle of penal slavery is the better option than leaving them to rot on the street
And there is truly nothing more we can desire or fight for other than the two options fed to us by the rickety old hands of some segregationist crackers
Ok so keeping our homeless in a cycle of penal slavery is the better option than leaving them to rot on the street
And there is truly nothing more we can desire or fight for other than the two options fed to us by the rickety old hands of some segregationist crackers
Then enlighten us on your answer to the homeless epidemic, oh great wise one!