Then enlighten us on your answer to the homeless epidemic, oh great wise one!
House homeless and get them off d****. Don't enslave them.
House homeless and get them off d****. Don't enslave them.
"get them off d****" Your naivety is showing
"get them off d****" Your naivety is showing
Fym lol China did it too and their d*** problem was 10x worse than americas
There's a lot of money to be made with d**** and prisons. That's the main issue and it's not more complicated than that.
Fym lol China did it too and their d*** problem was 10x worse than americas
Now we got niggas spreading Chinese propaganda in here
Now we got niggas spreading Chinese propaganda in here
It's the most basic history. F*** even trump talked about it you are less educated than Donald j. Trump.
It's the most basic history. F*** even trump talked about it you are less educated than Donald j. Trump.
You actually believe the numbers that the Chinese government peddles? Thinking that China has solved their d*** problem or homelessness is a fairy tale. They just do a good job at hiding it
You actually believe the numbers that the Chinese government peddles? Thinking that China has solved their d*** problem or homelessness is a fairy tale. They just do a good job at hiding it
The opium wars and the removal of d**** from China are well documented events. Can't even accept the most basic historical facts.
Too stupid to educate yourself about the most basic events in history. You are mentally a 5th grader. How do you justify breathing with this little curiosity about the world you occupy? Your mother carried you for 8 months and this is all you amount to.
Star Trek dead on the money with this possibly happening in 2024
! they are accurate again, expect nuclear war in two years
I wonder if they tried to tell us something
The opium wars and the removal of d**** from China are well documented events. Can't even accept the most basic historical facts.
Too stupid to educate yourself about the most basic events in history. You are mentally a 5th grader. How do you justify breathing with this little curiosity about the world you occupy? Your mother carried you for 8 months and this is all you amount to.
You actually believe that China has solved their d*** problem huh? Go ahead and keep using Trump talking points, totally makes you sound smart
You actually believe that China has solved their d*** problem huh? Go ahead and keep using Trump talking points, totally makes you sound smart
The Mao Zedong government is generally credited with eradicating both consumption and production of opium during the 1950s using unrestrained repression and social reform.50 Ten million addicts were forced into compulsory treatment, dealers were executed, and opium-producing regions were planted with new crops.
First page wikipedia
The Mao Zedong government is generally credited with eradicating both consumption and production of opium during the 1950s using unrestrained repression and social reform.50 Ten million addicts were forced into compulsory treatment, dealers were executed, and opium-producing regions were planted with new crops.
First page wikipedia
And you think executing a bunch of d*** dealers and addicts is just going to solve the problem? It's just going to be the war on d**** all over again. The problem in the US is much more complicated. China may have largely downsized the opium epidemic but they have not stopped the d*** problem overall. If they've had you believe that then you're just feeding into the propaganda. Quoting Wikipedia is not the "gotcha moment" that you think it is
And you think executing a bunch of d*** dealers and addicts is just going to solve the problem? It's just going to be the war on d**** all over again. The problem in the US is much more complicated. China may have largely downsized the opium epidemic but they have not stopped the d*** problem overall. If they've had you believe that then you're just feeding into the propaganda. Quoting Wikipedia is not the "gotcha moment" that you think it is
Yes executing d*** dealers actually stops a lot of d*** distribution. D*** users need to be treated and included into society. But this is not profitable. Prisons and a homeless underemployed underbelly are very profitable. Stop mystifying these very obvious structures. There is no crazy reason why all this happens. Just simple interests of the powerful and a disposable powerless group of people that are treated worse than animals.
Then enlighten us on your answer to the homeless epidemic, oh great wise one!
Such a copout response lol
So easy to put the burden of answering this question on the other guy (& subsequently nitpicking any proposed plan) when all that was said was pointing out how criminalizing homelessness is obviously inhumane
Your lack of imagination for anything better is not something to be proud of- you're not being "realistic" or "pragmatic", you just eat up mainstream political discourse without questioning it
You actually believe the numbers that the Chinese government peddles? Thinking that China has solved their d*** problem or homelessness is a fairy tale. They just do a good job at hiding it
Yes executing d*** dealers actually stops a lot of d*** distribution. D*** users need to be treated and included into society. But this is not profitable. Prisons and a homeless underemployed underbelly are very profitable. Stop mystifying these very obvious structures. There is no crazy reason why all this happens. Just simple interests of the powerful and a disposable powerless group of people that are treated worse than animals.
They’re gonna hate on you for saying dealers need to be dealt with while advocating for the enslavement of the poor
Yes executing d*** dealers actually stops a lot of d*** distribution. D*** users need to be treated and included into society. But this is not profitable. Prisons and a homeless underemployed underbelly are very profitable. Stop mystifying these very obvious structures. There is no crazy reason why all this happens. Just simple interests of the powerful and a disposable powerless group of people that are treated worse than animals.
..because that worked so well in the Philippines right? And our criminal justice system can always be trusted 🙄
..because that worked so well in the Philippines right? And our criminal justice system can always be trusted 🙄
Philippines is ruled by oligarchs wym
The Mao Zedong government is generally credited with eradicating both consumption and production of opium during the 1950s using unrestrained repression and social reform.50 Ten million addicts were forced into compulsory treatment, dealers were executed, and opium-producing regions were planted with new crops.
First page wikipedia
Oh the 1950s? When international shipping and the internet didn't exist?
Duterte is a fascist who wants to kill d***gies. Not at all what I was talking about.
Duterte is a fascist who wants to kill d***gies. Not at all what I was talking about.
They’re gonna hate on you for saying dealers need to be dealt with while advocating for the enslavement of the poor
He's also advocating for the homeless to be forcefully institutionalized lol. How is that any different than what's being proposed in OP? You're a hypocrite