  • Jan 14, 2024

    Obtuse f***s<<<

  • Jan 14, 2024
    1 reply

    TIL the internet had had 0 impact on d*** use, access or proliferation

  • Jan 14, 2024
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    And now you're being intentionally obtuse to try to "dunk" on me. I'm sure international shipping was as affordable and popular today as it was in 1950, especially considering the first use of the modern shipping container was 1956

    a giant ass shipping container has nothing to do with international trade “getting more popular”. It just means technology has gotten more efficient

    It doesn’t change the fact maritime international trade has been going on for centuries dumbass. The average person has partakes in it, but as a worker getting their labor exploited

    The “average person” has never been owned a f***ing shipping company, ship, or had the means to do so. They’ve gotten employed and exploited by others

    They’ve had large ass ships moving s*** for centuries, 90% of international trade has been by water for a long time. How do you think large countries traded with each other before planes

    It’s always been the aristocracy and later the bourgeois who’ve owned the means of production to enable trade, but they’ve used the wage or slave labor of others to enact it.

    Whatever the hell you keep saying doesn’t matter. Saying people are obtuse doesn’t matter

  • Jan 14, 2024

    Housing is a right. Goddamn right

    literally told as a child 3 necessities of life are shelter, food & water

  • Jan 14, 2024

    best believe if they start criminalizing people trying to survive even more than they do now, it’s over for inner cities

    they want make it unsafe outside for a reason

  • Jan 14, 2024

    a giant ass shipping container has nothing to do with international trade “getting more popular”. It just means technology has gotten more efficient

    It doesn’t change the fact maritime international trade has been going on for centuries dumbass. The average person has partakes in it, but as a worker getting their labor exploited

    The “average person” has never been owned a f***ing shipping company, ship, or had the means to do so. They’ve gotten employed and exploited by others

    They’ve had large ass ships moving s*** for centuries, 90% of international trade has been by water for a long time. How do you think large countries traded with each other before planes

    It’s always been the aristocracy and later the bourgeois who’ve owned the means of production to enable trade, but they’ve used the wage or slave labor of others to enact it.

    Whatever the hell you keep saying doesn’t matter. Saying people are obtuse doesn’t matter

    And adding internet today, where I can access websites from my toilet and have it shipped to my mailbox would make all of that easier, right?? And advances in tech would make the cost lower, right??

  • Jan 14, 2024
    1 reply

    @PapiPedro my brother but I swear bro always be missing the mark in this sxn dawg lol.

  • Jan 14, 2024
    1 reply

    @PapiPedro my brother but I swear bro always be missing the mark in this sxn dawg lol.

    AKFresh's alt said kill all d*** dealers and I missed the mark. Alright bruh, have a great day.

  • Jan 14, 2024
    Zach LaBeam

    TIL the internet had had 0 impact on d*** use, access or proliferation

    You are completely braindead if you think the government can't track your d*** orders. They just dont care.

  • Jan 14, 2024
    Zach LaBeam

    And let's not even attempt to address why people may be homeless or using d**** to begin with

    people like @americana ITT have been doing just that when talking about "capitalism" and the government historically doing f*** all about that problem for decades no matter what color the country is but yall keep shoving that criticism aside like it's nothing.

    The thing is, putting homeless people in jail is putting a 5 week old bandaid on a gashing wound. Not gonna do anything but cause more chaos (and talk about capacity issues. It's s*** tons of homeless people in the MTA subway every night. Where the hell you gonna put all them niggas in? it's only so many open rooms on Rikers lol.)

    When people are saying "house the homeless" with the best of intentions I don't think folks are saying do NYC style "throw them in an apartment, good luck with that our job is done!"

    I think folks are saying house the homeless and provide said resources to get them off their said addictions. Provide meds if they need it for whatever mental problems that they do have. Maybe have free lunch programs like a certain organization used to do for the poor (coughblackpantherpartycough) since a lot of homeless really do need food. Bring job corp niggas to help the physically and mentally able of the pack (cause a lot of these people are mentally sound folks that just fell on some hard s*** bro) to get jobs in order to become functioning and working valuable members to said society.

    S*** is really not that black and white yo.

  • Jan 14, 2024
    Zach LaBeam

    AKFresh's alt said kill all d*** dealers and I missed the mark. Alright bruh, have a great day.

    Not even talking bout him talkin bout your earlier posts itt my dude lmao

  • Jan 14, 2024
    2 replies
    Young D

    This Supreme Court was elected in the 2016 election

    damn, I thought it was elected when RBG "girlbossed" her way to the grave being a stubborn b****.

    Only in politics do we not treat like regular customer service lolololol.

  • Jan 14, 2024
    1 reply

    damn, I thought it was elected when RBG "girlbossed" her way to the grave being a stubborn b****.

    Only in politics do we not treat like regular customer service lolololol.

    What country has a government that you would like America to model?

  • Jan 14, 2024
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    What country has a government that you would like America to model?

    Hmm, can we site before or after American intervening "for freedom purposes?"

  • Jan 14, 2024
    1 reply

    Hmm, can we site before or after American intervening "for freedom purposes?"

    Not unless you have a time machine

  • Jan 14, 2024
    1 reply

    Yes executing d*** dealers actually stops a lot of d*** distribution. D*** users need to be treated and included into society. But this is not profitable. Prisons and a homeless underemployed underbelly are very profitable. Stop mystifying these very obvious structures. There is no crazy reason why all this happens. Just simple interests of the powerful and a disposable powerless group of people that are treated worse than animals.

    Buddy said

  • Jan 14, 2024
    2 replies

    Buddy said


    No one forcing these people to distribute poison

  • Jan 14, 2024
    Zach LaBeam

    Not unless you have a time machine

    Or a documentary, or actual views and statements from people that lived through those said times.

    Ask the people of Chile who they preferred between Pinochet and Allende.

    Or imagine Cuba (who already medically is ahead of us and have a higher life expectancy) without an embargo

    Or imagine Burkina Faso without a coup overthrowing and killing Thomas Sankara

  • Jan 14, 2024

    so many governments heading towards a right direction that we never got to see through because...something happened (coughAmericaninterventioncough) and the refusal to acknowledge that middle part is exactly why Americans as a whole are....really out of their realm when talking about "what other governments are better than America rn?"

    Well that's easy to say, America (and the West in general, Europe gonna burn for what it's did to the world at large) bullied and struck them down before they could get anywhere.

  • Jan 14, 2024
    Zach LaBeam


    crazy you went there but just to remind you this is a rap forum and this isnt a default section of the website

  • Dumb dumbs saying d**** cause homelessness whole time the richest person to ever exist is blasting off daily (musk) . Homelessness is simply your proximity to wealth and privilege / of proximity to wealth and privilege is too far then the only thing keeping you housed is how much you can sell your body for profit . Homeless people are post apocalyptic subjects of capitalism

  • Jan 14, 2024

    But what yall NOT finna tell me is the system that makes it so my pops had to get a STROKE at the job in order to finally get some days off, is as best as we gonna get.

    I refuse to stand on that. And I'd spit at you if you'd think that as much.

    And this smart-alecky "what are yall gonna do about it then" response yall have while talking to people that are actively outside, within organizations, raising dialogue within communities, actually doing work trying to come up with solutions for decades-long issues while still trying to survive within a parasitic ass system that takes away every inch of your life (e.g. 5-day work weeks) is so f***ing dishonest and b****made it makes me wonder are yall projecting your own insecurities about your inability to do something about this s***?

  • Jan 14, 2024
    1 reply

    damn, I thought it was elected when RBG "girlbossed" her way to the grave being a stubborn b****.

    Only in politics do we not treat like regular customer service lolololol.

    Yeah she’s definitely one of the most selfish people in American politics in my lifetime.

    Doesn’t change the fact that the American voters had very clear evidence of that ahead of the 2016 election, and continued to make the moves they made.

  • Jan 14, 2024
    1 reply

    There’s levels to it. D*** dealers tied to large cartel rings or have excessive amounts of capital being used to traffics and sell should be met with strict punishment under the law (if that includes death under the will of whatever people’s government decides so be it)

    Petty d*** dealers shouldn’t be executed and should have minor infractions w/ focus on rehabilitation and finding stable economic opportunities elsewhere.

    This would be decided on at a community level alongside upper level elected officials.

    People taking it to mean your small plug selling you an 1/8 is gonna get shot are too literal although can’t blame you.

    Mao also did not just “kill” landlords either, they were struggled against and allowed to be reincorporated into the new socialist society, they kept a small plot of land like every other worker.
    Only the largest and most reactionary landlords were killed, with the local community usually leading it.

    These are all goals that have been achieved before and overall good things to show how d*** use can be combatted in a country plagued with immense poverty and economic strangulation.

  • Jan 14, 2024
    2 replies
    Young D

    Yeah she’s definitely one of the most selfish people in American politics in my lifetime.

    Doesn’t change the fact that the American voters had very clear evidence of that ahead of the 2016 election, and continued to make the moves they made.

    Refuse to acknowledge hilary ran one of the worst campaigns ever bro yall niggas are so dishonest
