im a kinda fat hispanic thats 6'3 from ontario, my name is pronounced hi- meh but this teacher said hi- me so that stuck,
i have glasses but barely wear them it makes me look like a f***ing weird piece of s***. talking to girls i dont know is the stuff of nightmares
dont be scared 2wear ur glasses bro, its normal &a necessity for many, no one will look at u different for it !
This reminds me of the time I was like 16 and tried buying lean from this kid but it was nyquill
i almost got my ass beat tryna sell that when i was like 13 lol smhhhh
dumb ass kid
I feel like lf my parents ddnt divorce in my teenage years I wouldnt have wilded out the way I did
dont be scared 2wear ur glasses bro, its normal &a necessity for many, no one will look at u different for it !
i can see fine without them
HAHAHA the OLD switcheroo !
Yeah I didn't even know either till like a year later when he told me
I feel like lf my parents ddnt divorce in my teenage years I wouldnt have wilded out the way I did
If my parents didn't hate eachotjer when I was growing up i probably wouldn't hate myself 😔
If my parents didn't hate eachotjer when I was growing up i probably wouldn't hate myself 😔
too real guy
Yall letting other users to rub you?
4:21 am I'm not even sleepy what's wrong wit me
i can't stay up past 2 am anymore what the hell