4:21 am I'm not even sleepy what's wrong wit me
Need Benadryl
So apparently the biggest keyword on ktt2 is "drake height" also
but KTT2 gets 17.2K organic traffic per month is what semrush.com/analytics/overview/?q=ktt2.com&searchType=domain says
i can't stay up past 2 am anymore what the hell
I can't sleep before 2am anymore what the hell!!!
morning sweetheart im going to sleep
@DAVIDP you should watch anime
not without curating at least
Yeah I didn't even know either till like a year later when he told me
Thats messed up if you actually paid for real purple
not without curating at least
I want them to make a thread chronicling his anime viewing experiences
@DAVIDP you should watch anime
Which ones
I'm critical of anime but I'm sure I could get into it if I really tried
@DAVIDP you should watch anime
make him watch uhhhhhhhh that one with the yelling guy
DAVIDP watching shonen would be hell on earth
need his thoughts on BLEACH aka the goat shonen
Go playwith ur kittens
These mfs are also up and crying I'm gonna go insane
I want them to make a thread chronicling his anime viewing experiences
DAVIDP becomes film/tv sxn terrorist with anime threads
OK I won't
be kind to urself w ur inner voice luv ull live a world of difference :)
These mfs are also up and crying I'm gonna go insane
I'll take them for you ☺