20 on a steam deck… ehh not playable for me but still its ps3 emulation has come a long way
I mainly just loaded it up to test, I don’t think I could do a full playthrough at 20. Going in I was expecting a lot worse though even just a couple year ago it would’ve been completely unplayable
OLED’s available now
Got it. F***ing hell that was stressful. I’m going to sleep
Weren’t you saying just last week how you arnt getting this
copped my limited edition. might flip this s*** for a rackski
I’ll give you my steam deck for it 1:1 trade
3.5 out now
Weren’t you saying just last week how you arnt getting this
Changed my mind when I saw previews of the screen and cyberpunk running at 40 fps
Where are the steam sales that are always being talked about?
Starts next week
3.5 performance boost is real
3.5 performance boost is real
Seriously, I’ve been on the early updates and the difference is really night and day in some games. I used to run arkham knight at 540p to get 60 fps now my deck can easily do 720 medium-low settings at the same framerate
I might refund my steam deck and games and buy a ps5 if they don’t update my order to ship out on Monday
Can you play Nintendo emulators on this
Anyone have one of these and regret the purchase? I am looking for anti testimonials because I want one lol
Anyone have one of these and regret the purchase? I am looking for anti testimonials because I want one lol
The only real reason I could see someone regretting their purchase is if they just don’t really use it, almost all downsides from the original model are fixed in the OLED version it’s basically the perfect handheld at this point