  • Jan 6, 2024
    4 replies
    Lil Uzi Horizontal

    What would you call inmates making license plates or other textile goods for 50 cents an hour? Under violent conditions and possible rape?

    I wasn’t forced to make anything, most of the time I just read books, watched some TV, some janitorial work to keep busy, some exercise. In air conditioning at that. Wasn’t the worse thing at all

  • Jan 6, 2024

    I wasn’t forced to make anything, most of the time I just read books, watched some TV, some janitorial work to keep busy, some exercise. In air conditioning at that. Wasn’t the worse thing at all

    you never told us about this did you?

  • Jan 6, 2024
    1 reply

    She's not the only source of info:

    'A neighbor told police they never actually saw anything going on at the home, but from conversations with Carter, they believed there may have been illegal activity happening in the house.

    They were actually at my door talking to me when a gal came clawing out of that window that you see barricaded up,” said Jedediah Beights.

    The neighbor told police they believed there may have been human trafficking or that p*** may have been being made with the women at the home.

    “All of it gave me a red flag,” Beights said. “Everything from day one was a red flag. He didn’t do anything that wasn’t a red flag.”

    At one point, Carter actually told Beights about the women who he kept inside the home.

    “He had just kind of explained that, um, he had some girls that were in there, and he never used the word locked up, but, um, he was kind of protecting them from themselves,” he said. “From the sounds of things, she would call him his boyfriend. Her boyfriend. So, I mean, it was kind of a mutual weirdness, I guess.”'

    Also firefighters found this in the garage in April:

    'The documents said there was a makeshift toilet inside of the garage that did not flush, a sink with faucet and dripping spigot, a mattress covered with vomit, assorted chips and a few Twinkies.'

  • Jan 6, 2024
    black hedi slimane

    if you ever seen someone you love lose a lot of weight its scary and sad...

    I feel like less than 120lb on any woman taller than 5'1 is scary

    the idea of a nigga watching a grown adult (fuck size or gender.. anybody really) hitting 70lbs is insane to me

    idk why that part is f***ing with me the most

    I used to be 120 at 5'10ish when I was just under 20 and doctors were pushing I had an eating condition thing even

  • Jan 6, 2024
    1 reply

    She's not the only source of info:

    'A neighbor told police they never actually saw anything going on at the home, but from conversations with Carter, they believed there may have been illegal activity happening in the house.

    They were actually at my door talking to me when a gal came clawing out of that window that you see barricaded up,” said Jedediah Beights.

    The neighbor told police they believed there may have been human trafficking or that p*** may have been being made with the women at the home.

    “All of it gave me a red flag,” Beights said. “Everything from day one was a red flag. He didn’t do anything that wasn’t a red flag.”

    At one point, Carter actually told Beights about the women who he kept inside the home.

    “He had just kind of explained that, um, he had some girls that were in there, and he never used the word locked up, but, um, he was kind of protecting them from themselves,” he said. “From the sounds of things, she would call him his boyfriend. Her boyfriend. So, I mean, it was kind of a mutual weirdness, I guess.”'

    Alright we will see how it goes at trial and hopefully the correct determination is made one way or the other

  • insertcoolnamehere

    “The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery, but it included an exception: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist, it declares, except as punishment for a crime

    “13th amendment gotta end it that’s on me”

  • Jan 6, 2024
    1 reply

    I wasn’t forced to make anything, most of the time I just read books, watched some TV, some janitorial work to keep busy, some exercise. In air conditioning at that. Wasn’t the worse thing at all

    A) is this in the US or no
    B) what level of security prison was it
    C) what type of crime

  • Jan 6, 2024
    1 reply
    Big Tobacco

    Alright we will see how it goes at trial and hopefully the correct determination is made one way or the other

    Also, the woman's whereabouts are currently unknown, which is a pretty scary detail

  • X7JQ9L2MF4A8Z

    that’s justice bro

    You think it’s “justice” because the for profit carceral system tells you it is. We haven’t even tried any other ways really. You think charging someone to talk to their loved ones and charging an arm and a leg for s***ty unhealthy snacks is right? You think a guy who was drinking and driving deserves to be raped in the shower or some s***? Seriously, they barely have scratched the surface on alternatives like d*** court and mental health court

  • Koala

    I wasn’t forced to make anything, most of the time I just read books, watched some TV, some janitorial work to keep busy, some exercise. In air conditioning at that. Wasn’t the worse thing at all

    Doesn’t sound like it reformed you if you looked at it like a cushy summer camp

  • Koala

    I wasn’t forced to make anything, most of the time I just read books, watched some TV, some janitorial work to keep busy, some exercise. In air conditioning at that. Wasn’t the worse thing at all

    At any given moment in the US there are 80,000 people in solitary confinement

  • Big Tobacco

    Critical question here: is the woman he allegedly held captive also white?

    If so then I’m withholding judgement until it goes to trial

  • Jan 6, 2024

    shot in the dome cuz of my hops

  • Jan 6, 2024
    Big Tobacco

    A) is this in the US or no
    B) what level of security prison was it
    C) what type of crime

    Miami Federal BOP
    Charges I’m not getting into but ain’t all Cool Hand Luke. At least down here

  • Jan 6, 2024

    Also, the woman's whereabouts are currently unknown, which is a pretty scary detail

    Yeah like I said if he did that s*** f*** him and hope he is punished appropriately

    Only point I’m making is that I think people are really quick to crucify black men for what a white woman says about them even when it turns out to be bullshit which has been the case many a time

    Not taking a position either way as a result until we have a trial.

  • Jan 6, 2024

    Grown ass men with anime avis on twitter being “heartbroken” over VIPER bro grow up

  • Jan 6, 2024
    1 reply

    that’s justice bro

    Just now realizing this was sarcasm

  • Jan 6, 2024

    does this surprise anyone?

  • Jan 6, 2024
    Lil Uzi Horizontal

    Just now realizing this was sarcasm

    all good

  • Jan 6, 2024

    Your friend is sick. Out of every artist in the world he tried putting you onto viper lmaoooo. Thats impressively ill

    He had no clue😭

  • Jan 6, 2024

    4-5 years!? How does he get away with that for so long, she don’t got family?

  • Jan 6, 2024

    i think we have to kill this guy ngl

  • Jan 6, 2024

    y'all mans

  • Jan 6, 2024

    a lot of yall in dis thread need to do some serious f***in soul searching bro
    i cannot believe some of the things ive read in response to something dis awful happening to someone

  • Jan 7, 2024

    r. kelly type artist to me