I’ve been working on this with three of my really good friends (all of us are pro-life). One of my friends is doing the animations, I’m doing the programming, one is doing the sound design, and our friend in medical school is making sure everything is scientifically accurate. I have not released anything for this “game” yet (it’s not really a game, more of an “experience” but that sounds really pretentious). However, we will might release some images and videos of the game in action soon.
Creating this game has taken an emotional toll on all four of us and because of that we felt it was time to announce this project, and we hope that this announcement will be therapeutic for us. We struggled with whether or not we should even release it because of how depressing it is and I wanted to ask you guys here if you think it is a good idea to release this when it’s finished. It will be completely free to download and I think it could be a good educational tool as well although probably not for young children because it is very graphic. What do you think?
i think you're wasting your talents and are utterly misguided
Republican activity detected, mods ban.
No one mentioned banning but u