Bro where can I get info for updates on this? I’m genuinely intrigued?
u sick f*** smh
u sick f*** smh
gee What’s worse:
1: being a supporter of boundary pushing virtual art that can open important civil dialogues?
2: being a supporter of actually killing real babies
Let that simmer before you call me a “sick f***”
gee What’s worse:
1: being a supporter of boundary pushing virtual art that can open important civil dialogues?
2: being a supporter of actually killing real babies
Let that simmer before you call me a “sick f***”
bro f*** them babies
If you're pro-life, lobby high school counselors and the post office to distribute condoms.
do a single mother simulator
Should also do a sim for women who have no kids as comparison
If you're pro-life, lobby high school counselors and the post office to distribute condoms.
Pro life people don’t care abt these issues they just wanna shame ppl getting abortions
Pro life people don’t care abt these issues they just wanna shame ppl getting abortions
They don't want to shame them. They want to put them in jail and execute them.
Pro life people don’t care abt these issues they just wanna shame ppl getting abortions
nah we just want people to be able to get them if they want
the real shame is s*** like when PP in Texas got de-funded couple years ago teen pregnancies shot up but beforehand abortions had stayed the same. its because these young girls and boys had education and access to contraception instead of this IDIOTIC abstinence only bullshit
They don't want to shame them. They want to put them in jail and execute them.
Go ahead and release it. I’ll check it out. It sounds interesting.
How old is the fetus in this experience? I’m guessing over 20 weeks old which is when the fetus can detect light and hear sounds?
It might end up being a better POV of the fetus experience during miscarriage since only 1% of abortions take place after 20 weeks.
gee What’s worse:
1: being a supporter of boundary pushing virtual art that can open important civil dialogues?
2: being a supporter of actually killing real babies
Let that simmer before you call me a “sick f***”
i just want to kill fake babies bro how do i pre order this
gee What’s worse:
1: being a supporter of boundary pushing virtual art that can open important civil dialogues?
2: being a supporter of actually killing real babies
Let that simmer before you call me a “sick f***”
Politics aside, this dude really thinks his Steam sale dud is going to change the world. A girl owning a VR headset is a good enough IUD in the first place.
What do you think happens when you criminalize abortion as murder?
bro i just realized i have no idea what side you are even talking about and i also realized this thread is D tier at best so Im out