good for him dude looks happy and healthy
people woulda said that about Kanye. Patrice woulda probably said Trump was gangsta. actually Patrice was kicked outta school for a false allegation so he def wouldn't f*** with the left cuz of the Believe All Women s***. and he'd maybe fw Trump cuz the Kavanaugh thing
nah Ye is irrational enough for it to not even suprise me. bottom line Patrice wouldn't fw him because he's a blatant racist. goes for Biden too. the only way i see him fw is like you said. the crazy s*** trump says to/about people. but even then it would be jokingly. he would most likely be neutral.
Ima stop speaking on him though because it feels weird guessing what his political views would be now. wish he was here to make them on his own.
im telling yall once you block that nigga your KTT experience becomes so much better.
How that uncle ruckus ass nigga hasn't been perma'd yet is beyond me.
Wouldn't let that happen
But yes got you on the free vegetables
me an jenny like peas and carrots
Yup of course these capitalistic sheeps would support this backwards ass industry
wait did they find a lego set of the Capitol at someone's house, proving the plans were in the works for some time or did it happen spontaneously because of a Trump speech? y'all can't even get y'alls propaganda straight
He incited it, cāmon. Besides youāre skipping over the important part... I think Trump did wonders on the economy and foreign policy, but he mishandled covid and the floyd protests. Also, the capitol situation and his actions after the elections are a crime against democracy. Do not accuse me as being some kind of sheep who follows āpropagandaā. The world isnāt black or white, its grey
(this is not true)
Actually, a new report from the Brookings Institute shows that the Black male vote for Trump fell to 12% in 2020 from 14% in 2016. Aside from numbers in any case, what the f*** compelled you to make the outlandish claim that only white men dislike Trump? White people are the only demographic where a majority of the electorate voted for Trump. You're either a troll or the most ignorant person I've ever interacted with.
Farm Life looks like it'd be the s***. Waka is an Aboriginal before he's a MAGA rapper. Kanye was spitting about us being the Twelve Tribes of Israel but that message gets swept under the rug.
Be very mindful about who controls the narrative.
people woulda said that about Kanye. Patrice woulda probably said Trump was gangsta. actually Patrice was kicked outta school for a false allegation so he def wouldn't f*** with the left cuz of the Believe All Women s***. and he'd maybe fw Trump cuz the Kavanaugh thing
The greatest story ever told. A must listen. Patrice's whole understanding on speech really freed my thought process. Put things in their proper perspective and allow for people to say what they're thinking.
OP a b**** ass nigga that love gmos
He needs some of that mama's cookin w extra seasonin
He incited it, cāmon. Besides youāre skipping over the important part... I think Trump did wonders on the economy and foreign policy, but he mishandled covid and the floyd protests. Also, the capitol situation and his actions after the elections are a crime against democracy. Do not accuse me as being some kind of sheep who follows āpropagandaā. The world isnāt black or white, its grey
he said they should protest peacefully
he said they should protest peacefully
while it was already happening, while he had already said that they would "march on the capitol". While he implied that stopping pence would somehow stop the election.
Actually, a new report from the Brookings Institute shows that the Black male vote for Trump fell to 12% in 2020 from 14% in 2016. Aside from numbers in any case, what the f*** compelled you to make the outlandish claim that only white men dislike Trump? White people are the only demographic where a majority of the electorate voted for Trump. You're either a troll or the most ignorant person I've ever interacted with.
I did not say only white men dislike Trump. I was just pointing out the irony in the fact that after 4 years, the only demo he lost ground with vs 2016 was white men. and Latinos flocked to him
Brookings is probably using exit polls, so s*** data
precinct level data says his black support increased 1% to 2%, Latino support increased like 10%+, Asian support increased like 5%. But whites are the majority and they are in the most important states (swing states), so even a small move in them helps a ton and Biden won
if u dislike Trump in 2021, I'm gonna just have to assume you are a suburban white male, because he gained with every demographic except college educated white men in 2020 compared to 2016. He gained especially with hispanics
oh boy
Actually, a new report from the Brookings Institute shows that the Black male vote for Trump fell to 12% in 2020 from 14% in 2016. Aside from numbers in any case, what the f*** compelled you to make the outlandish claim that only white men dislike Trump? White people are the only demographic where a majority of the electorate voted for Trump. You're either a troll or the most ignorant person I've ever interacted with.
nah fr
wait did they find a lego set of the Capitol at someone's house, proving the plans were in the works for some time or did it happen spontaneously because of a Trump speech? y'all can't even get y'alls propaganda straight
they (gop trumpkins) planned it and let it go
I did not say only white men dislike Trump. I was just pointing out the irony in the fact that after 4 years, the only demo he lost ground with vs 2016 was white men. and Latinos flocked to him
Brookings is probably using exit polls, so s*** data
precinct level data says his black support increased 1% to 2%, Latino support increased like 10%+, Asian support increased like 5%. But whites are the majority and they are in the most important states (swing states), so even a small move in them helps a ton and Biden won
lot of stuff factored into it, democrats were s*** at messaging, machismo, etc. he was a right-wing faux-populist who lied about everything