  • Jul 26, 2021

    disliking Trump is logical and right, pretty normal, reasons why most people voted for Biden

  • Jul 26, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    lot of stuff factored into it, democrats were s*** at messaging, machismo, etc. he was a right-wing faux-populist who lied about everything

    so was Obama

  • Jul 26, 2021

    wait did they find a lego set of the Capitol at someone's house, proving the plans were in the works for some time or did it happen spontaneously because of a Trump speech? y'all can't even get y'alls propaganda straight

    he tweeted about the event on twitter before it happened, promising something wild, he incited it with his speech and previous rhetoric building up to that moment to enact a coup against the government

  • Jul 26, 2021
    1 reply

    so was Obama

    whataboutism doesn't take away what he did

    he blamed issues on everyone else (the mexicans and the black people destroying america, etc.)

    that's what right-wing faux-populists (typically fascists) do, it's a blame game, simple and false solutions to complex problems in order to usurp power for as long as possible

    obama wasn't even a left populist, he was a regular center-left liberal

  • Jul 26, 2021
    1 reply

    whataboutism doesn't take away what he did

    he blamed issues on everyone else (the mexicans and the black people destroying america, etc.)

    that's what right-wing faux-populists (typically fascists) do, it's a blame game, simple and false solutions to complex problems in order to usurp power for as long as possible

    obama wasn't even a left populist, he was a regular center-left liberal

    hence faux-populist

  • Jul 26, 2021

    Who do y’all think grows your food

  • Jul 26, 2021
    1 reply

    hence faux-populist

    can you even mount a defense of trump when they are as weak as a wet napkin?

    i get you're trying to play the centrist role but your face is showing

  • Jul 26, 2021

    if u dislike Trump in 2021, I'm gonna just have to assume you are a suburban white male, because he gained with every demographic except college educated white men in 2020 compared to 2016. He gained especially with hispanics

    This was true tho

  • Jul 26, 2021
    1 reply

    can you even mount a defense of trump when they are as weak as a wet napkin?

    i get you're trying to play the centrist role but your face is showing

    I'm less pro Trump than I am anti-establishment. I cannot stop laughing when I hear people label themselves "the resistance" when the people on their side are the FBI, CIA, every major higher education institution, every Hollywood star and studio, every major bank, etc.

    like what exactly are you resisting? dems represent all the highest income zip codes / districts

    like Trump was a fine president and every 2 seconds, people pretended the world was ending

  • Jul 26, 2021

    if u dislike Trump in 2021, I'm gonna just have to assume you are a suburban white male, because he gained with every demographic except college educated white men in 2020 compared to 2016. He gained especially with hispanics


  • Jul 26, 2021
    1 reply

    OJ da juiceman turned this nigga into old flockdonald e i e i o

  • Jul 26, 2021

    I had to buy mario gulf lol

  • Jul 26, 2021

  • Jul 26, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm less pro Trump than I am anti-establishment. I cannot stop laughing when I hear people label themselves "the resistance" when the people on their side are the FBI, CIA, every major higher education institution, every Hollywood star and studio, every major bank, etc.

    like what exactly are you resisting? dems represent all the highest income zip codes / districts

    like Trump was a fine president and every 2 seconds, people pretended the world was ending

    im not a liberal democrat

    im a libertarian socialist, im not part of the mainstream political discourse ideologically, unless you consider throwing some support towards progressives in congress and their policies, but i don't think that's enough even

    also things being part of popular discourse does not discredit them at all, if they're good ideas

    the majority of the population supported the BLM movements last year, for example.

    if you're anti-establishment, why the f*** are you supporting the right-wing? they are the embodiment of authoritarianism and hierarchy, trump was a f***ing elite businessman from NYC, he doesn't care about the poor, he only sees them as marks to exploit to his personal end and he'll say whatever his fans want to hear, blame everything on the immigrants or minorities

    also poorer POC demographics tend to vote dem, it's mostly the poor whites who vote republican along with their suburban counterparts

    the reason poor whites were pulled towards the republicans is because the republicans play into their desperation, which is understandable, and turns it to hate their fellow poor BIPOC people through racism and to blame job loss on immigrants. it was the NEOLIBERAL reagan-era republicans that killed strong labor unions in this country, it was the NEOLIBERAL reagan-era republicans and democrats who outsourced the jobs, that's capitalism, it's inherent to the system, the capitalists exploit the proles and pay out the least possible $ for the most amount of labor

    tucker carlson, trump, richard spencer, nick fuentes, etc., they don't care about the people, they're just fascists that want to take absolute power by any means necessary and they'll say whatever faux-populist BS to get people on their side, they're liars

  • Jul 26, 2021

    OJ da juiceman turned this nigga into old flockdonald e i e i o

    Beefing with Gucci made him irrelevant

  • Jul 26, 2021

    "Ion even got a daughter, they mad cause I'm a farmer"

  • Jul 26, 2021

    good for him dude looks happy and healthy

  • Jul 26, 2021
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Everyone itt like I love smelling like cow s***! It's my dream to wake up at 3 am and work for 10 hours straight!

    I'm sure as hell know 3/4 of ktt would hate living like one. I was raised in that culture, so animals and cows bring a lot of peace to me.

  • knockknockwhoitis

    if u dislike Trump in 2021, I'm gonna just have to assume you are a suburban white male, because he gained with every demographic except college educated white men in 2020 compared to 2016. He gained especially with hispanics

    I do not give a flying f***! That means there's still people I'm every demographic that hate him still

  • Jul 26, 2021

    You’re saying “put the molly down” in the title like it’s a bad thing

  • EchiJewel đź’„
    Jul 26, 2021

  • Jul 26, 2021
    1 reply

    if u dislike Trump in 2021, I'm gonna just have to assume you are a suburban white male, because he gained with every demographic except college educated white men in 2020 compared to 2016. He gained especially with hispanics

    People really say s*** like this because Trump got 12% of black voters instead of 8% like last time

  • Jul 27, 2021

    I'm sure as hell know 3/4 of ktt would hate living like one. I was raised in that culture, so animals and cows bring a lot of peace to me.

    Same. That's how I know it ain't for everyone. Growing up around it different
