  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    No. I don't think you know what terf means if thats what youre going with

    You can be a liberal feminist and be transgender inclusive. You can be a radical feminist and be transgender exclusive.

    the point is, this whole idea that letting a transgender youth pick your SOE means the SOE will be good is a bit ridiculous and is exactly the type of pandering and identity politics that liberal feminists love. You could idk, allow a progressive transgender education advocate to help craft your education policy, or you could appoint a progressive transgender SOE. But this is very much in the realm of pandering, much like her response to a question at the last debate where she said she'd read off transgender victim names at the rose garden of wherever.

    All she said is the kid is going to put the final stamp on her pick. It ain’t that deep trans phobe, she’s not saying - hey, go find the people for me

  • Undecided

    That poster he responding to is trying to bait people into bans. They literally admitted to it in another thread. Although the people that have been harassing that poster for being fired from their job should have been timed out a long time ago so I’d probably be doing the same thing. Lel

    I was just f***ing with yurrp, Kim whatever is a horrible poster lol

  • Feb 1, 2020

    All she said is the kid is going to put the final stamp on her pick. It ain’t that deep trans phobe, she’s not saying - hey, go find the people for me

    What’s funny to me is that these clowns didn’t realize constantly throwing racist and other negative terms at people who aren’t actually those words makes them lose their meaning. A tremendous number of trump voters were just tired of being called racist when they weren’t 💀

    Now he def has plenty of racist supporters don’t get me wrong, but there’s tons that aren’t that swung the other way due to extreme SJW nonsense.

  • Feb 1, 2020

    Maybe if certain posters gave half as much effort to indeed or LinkedIn as they do to policing people’s speech online, they wouldn’t have to make KTT2 threads begging for money

  • Feb 1, 2020

    Whats for dinner tonight bro? Mystery meat again?

  • Feb 1, 2020

    warren is such a f***ing panderer. she probably don’t give a f*** bout liberal values deep down. these people are sociopaths.
