  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    There’s more than 2 options u bigot

    XX, XY and what else?

  • Jan 31, 2020

    you said it was cool for you to make f***ed up racist comments about asians and that all asians think black people are thugs, you know exactly why thats wrong and you just dont care. probably because you hate asians. so sincerely, f*** off.

    You’re more than welcome to reread the thread. Because you’re really over exaggerating for no reason. And why would I hate Asians

  • Progressive


  • Jan 31, 2020
    2 replies

    XX, XY and what else?

    Lmfaoo im not getting banned for f***ing with that weeb white apologist along with u yurrp

    I do respect your fight though

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Lmfaoo im not getting banned for f***ing with that weeb white apologist along with u yurrp

    I do respect your fight though

    Fight? I am just trying to learn new things. And prevent racism

  • Jan 31, 2020

    Lmfaoo im not getting banned for f***ing with that weeb white apologist along with u yurrp

    I do respect your fight though

    is that dipshit still posting in here

    homie is begging for a ban, gotta respect him for committing to that

  • yuuurp

    Fight? I am just trying to learn new things. And prevent racism

    change that guy’s (non masculine form) skin to yellow like them’s always wanted and they’ll learn to accept all races

  • Jan 31, 2020

    Why would I get banned?

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    North Korea a country where the citizens are so hungry they end up eating their children. A brutal monarchy that keeps its citizens trapped inside its borders.

    It’s my empathy, my problem is I care too much about other people.

    It compels me to speak for those whose voices have been silenced by none other then the supreme leader himself, Kim Jong Un.

  • Jan 31, 2020

    North Korea a country where the citizens are so hungry they end up eating their children. A brutal monarchy that keeps its citizens trapped inside its borders.

    It’s my empathy, my problem is I care too much about other people.

    It compels me to speak for those whose voices have been silenced by none other then the supreme leader himself, Kim Jong Un.

    How is this guy at the same time supporting LGBTQ and yet is a DPR Korea supporter and a communist? There are only 4 actual communist countries left in the world and all of them are fully anti-LGBTQ, but especially North Korea, why in the world would a leader who set a limited number of haircuts allowed to be taken for his citizens, allow something like trans rights lmaoooo

  • 0 👀
    Jan 31, 2020

    Homosexuality and being openly transgender are not de jure illegal in North Korea, but are illegal through decency and obscenity laws

    This means they'd charge you with obscenity instead and execute you without due process

    There are no specific laws because they fundamentally believe it doesn't exist

    Here's an example

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    There’s more than 2 options u bigot

    That poster he responding to is trying to bait people into bans. They literally admitted to it in another thread. Although the people that have been harassing that poster for being fired from their job should have been timed out a long time ago so I’d probably be doing the same thing. Lel

  • Jan 31, 2020

    Warren is stupid but so is op

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jan 31, 2020

    cant believe the s*** i read here

  • Jan 31, 2020
    2 replies

    Why are we shaming people for not having a lot of money ITT?

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Why are we shaming people for not having a lot of money ITT?

    This section always devolves into harassment and ban baiting.

  • Jan 31, 2020

    you arent reading them dipshit

    Holy s*** I’m dead, are you actually defending North Korea?
    the radical left really is alt-right

  • Jan 31, 2020
    Benito Mussolini

    You should move to a third world country so you can live with your people.

  • Jan 31, 2020

    Yes but this doesn't answer the main question... if North Korea is sooo awesome why don't they let their citizens leave the country? Surely they will come back to the greatest place on after their vacation

  • Jan 31, 2020

    Why are we shaming people for not having a lot of money ITT?

    Probably because Kim calls people racist for saying North Korea is a s***show then asks for money. I’m reporting for harassment next time he/she (no idea what Kim wants to go by) someone racist for no reason.

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    This section always devolves into harassment and ban baiting.

    dont gotta bait anybody, these clowns expose themselves

    mods are just too p**** to actually ban transphobes, probably bc they also hate trannies

  • Jan 31, 2020

    dont gotta bait anybody, these clowns expose themselves

    mods are just too p**** to actually ban transphobes, probably bc they also hate trannies

    Who is a transphobe here? I mean u just called Cookies racist 💀 that’s like the least racist poster around.

    I don’t care if someone is trans or not, that’s up to them. I think Warren is being ridiculous to let any child pick positions for her.

  • Jan 31, 2020

    first page is mess

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Synopsis hates Warren so much he went full TERF on the very first page. I love this primary

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Synopsis hates Warren so much he went full TERF on the very first page. I love this primary

    No. I don't think you know what terf means if thats what youre going with

    You can be a liberal feminist and be transgender inclusive. You can be a radical feminist and be transgender exclusive.

    the point is, this whole idea that letting a transgender youth pick your SOE means the SOE will be good is a bit ridiculous and is exactly the type of pandering and identity politics that liberal feminists love. You could idk, allow a progressive transgender education advocate to help craft your education policy, or you could appoint a progressive transgender SOE. But this is very much in the realm of pandering, much like her response to a question at the last debate where she said she'd read off transgender victim names at the rose garden of wherever.