There’s not a single post-beef rap song in the top 30 on Apple Music rn, a platform that heavily skews towards hip-hop. There might still be quality s*** being released but nobody’s listening
Ya’ll gone live and die by these charts that mean nothing and can be easily manipulated. Salute lmfao
Oh no you got me
Go read a book you illiterate son of a b**** and step up your vocab
Ya’ll gone live and die by these charts that mean nothing and can be easily manipulated. Salute lmfao
Now they're being manipulated
I think it's more than all the casual listeners who listened to mostly rap music following the streaming boom of 2015-2019 are now abandoning rap and listening to other genres way more and that's being reflected in the numbers. It also helps that other genres are bringing up/establishing newer stars while rap has struggled to do that this decade.
Ya’ll gone live and die by these charts that mean nothing and can be easily manipulated. Salute lmfao
S*** isn’t even true. Real Boston Richey got a song at 12
Now they're being manipulated
I think it's more than all the casual listeners who listened to mostly rap music following the streaming boom of 2015-2019 are now abandoning rap and listening to other genres way more and that's being reflected in the numbers. It also helps that other genres are bringing up/establishing newer stars while rap has struggled to do that this decade.
I think it’s fair to say many games have been played on the charts for years so idk what you tryna do?
Travis couldn't score any major chart hits off his last album, same with Drake. Kendrick's only hits since his last album have been on the back of dissing Drake, it's still left to be seen if he scores any hits when he drops his next album. Kanye is cooked. Eminem didn't score any major hits but at this stage in his career, no one should be expecting him to. Cole isn't a hit guy. Big Sean's album has zero chart hits. Who else is there? I guess Jack Harlow but that's still left to be seen.
The entire ecosystem of mainstream rap has BEEN crumbling and what does the rap world do? Join together to go at the one guy still making the genre look good
Next year will be VERY REVEALING in just how cooked mainstream rap is. Just watch.
And Future lowkey fell off after letting Kenny steal his spotlight
Just wait he’ll be one of the first to come crawling back to the boy
I think it’s fair to say many games have been played on the charts for years so idk what you tryna do?
Yes, but that's not why there are fewer and fewer rap songs on Apple Music/Spotify charts lol.
And Future lowkey fell off after letting Kenny steal his spotlight
Just wait he’ll be one of the first to come crawling back to the boy
I fully expect whatever he drops next to flop like crazy unless he takes 2 years off before dropping again.
S*** isn’t even true. Real Boston Richey got a song at 12
You right. One song in the top 30 that was released three months ago
Now, rap will always be fine, even if mainstream rap dies off but mainstream rap is the reason why rap has maintained its cultural relevance and significance and without it, the genre takes a noticable hit.
I fully expect whatever he drops next to flop like crazy unless he takes 2 years off before dropping again.
The tour is already flopping unfortunately
The tour is already flopping unfortunately
Yeah, that was a given. He's a terrible performer and Metro has no business doing anything on stage.
The tour is already flopping unfortunately
That alone is a shocking sign for Pluto
If Pluto didn’t drop all that mid this year his tour would’ve had more hype
Ya’ll gone live and die by these charts that mean nothing and can be easily manipulated. Salute lmfao
2024 and Radio play is still the highest weighted factor when it comes to total units sold.
Says it all how BS it is really.
It's BEEN happening, Drake was the one guy holding back the tide, doofus lmao. There have only been 3 legit rap hits this year and 2 of them had niggas dissing Drake. You go figure.
You’re f***ing stupid if you think Drake was making quality music lmfaoo stop talking about hits for once in your goddamn stupid f***ing life. You’re a culture vulture that doesn’t know s*** about actual art. All of y’all are the reason the culture has taken a nosedive. Get the f*** out
B**** always talking about some hits. Y’all would have been MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice stans over Tribe in 1990. Please leave our culture tf alone
You’re f***ing stupid if you think Drake was making quality music lmfaoo stop talking about hits for once in your goddamn stupid f***ing life. You’re a culture vulture that doesn’t know s*** about actual art. All of y’all are the reason the culture has taken a nosedive. Get the f*** out
“goddamn stupid f***ing life”