Well maybe if Drake just left it at that but he didn’t. He added on all the other s*** that got exposed as a lie
Same with the “we fed you fake info” s***. If Drake just left it at the daughter it would be more believable but he also had to add on that he planted the picture which is a straight up lie
Nothing Drake said has been more debunked than him having a daughter bro. You still don’t know the inner workings of Kendrick’s relationship with his baby mama
F***ing dipshit really believes those daily streaming numbers are off of the strength of the 100 GIGS songs and not his older back catalog I'm done here
very sorry this wasnt the elimination of drake you all hoped for Unforgivable
14 songs all flopped and more to come soon with that midpack w/ cokehead PND arriving in Fall
F***ing dipshit really believes those daily streaming numbers are off of the strength of the 100 GIGS songs and not his older back catalog I'm done here
100 Gigs ahead of its time fam
ALWAYS happens with The Boy’s music
And then it becomes his “back catalog”
Yes Charged Up was a failure lmao
So Back to Back was a desperation move, released with Drake's back against the wall?
The key to not getting your ass whooped is knowing when a nigga can definitely whoop your ass. Either bro is trash at reading niggas power levels or he got too many Yes men that gassed him up.
And its the ONE nigga alive who couldve did anything to drakes image too lmao anyone else would have been seen in the pusha / not to big to hurt the boy category
Only other one who could have did sum in all out beef would have been X
So Back to Back was a desperation move, released with Drake's back against the wall?
Desperate? No. Born out of the original track not hitting? Yeah
Also a little different since the entire concept of Charged Up was Drake ya know…charging up. MTG was supposed to be the KO
The key to not getting your ass whooped is knowing when a nigga can definitely whoop your ass. Either bro is trash at reading niggas power levels or he got too many Yes men that gassed him up.
ovo mark and ovo steve were gassing him up
Nothing Drake said has been more debunked than him having a daughter bro. You still don’t know the inner workings of Kendrick’s relationship with his baby mama
So your saying you think Kendrick did beat his wife?
Yeah cause you guys only listen to the same wack ass niggas wack ass aubrey co-signs.
I'm speaking about mainstream rap as a whole but sure, keep being disingenuous.
It’s funny how NOW y’all say this when your favorite artist fell off. Where was this energy years ago with mainstream rap?
It's BEEN happening, Drake was the one guy holding back the tide, doofus lmao. There have only been 3 legit rap hits this year and 2 of them had niggas dissing Drake. You go figure.
But the daughter allegation is absolutely false?
More reliably, yeah. Considering Pusha did the same thing with Adonis and TMZ had that s*** verified almost immediately
More reliably, yeah. Considering Pusha did the same thing with Adonis and TMZ had that s*** verified almost immediately
Your a dumbass and you know it
Travis couldn't score any major chart hits off his last album, same with Drake. Kendrick's only hits since his last album have been on the back of dissing Drake, it's still left to be seen if he scores any hits when he drops his next album. Kanye is cooked. Eminem didn't score any major hits but at this stage in his career, no one should be expecting him to. Cole isn't a hit guy. Big Sean's album has zero chart hits. Who else is there? I guess Jack Harlow but that's still left to be seen.
The entire ecosystem of mainstream rap has BEEN crumbling and what does the rap world do? Join together to go at the one guy still making the genre look good
Next year will be VERY REVEALING in just how cooked mainstream rap is. Just watch.