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  • Jul 1, 2020
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    Still a f***ing stupid thing to say when he donated hillary but I dunno, lol

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    I’m not trolling. So you believe Hilary and Biden is for black people and aren’t racist then?

    Why is it always some "You think theyre for black people"

    Hillary and Biden are boomer cis white straight people who either attempt to mean well(or operate on political clout of a position like most politicians) but arent actually in any of the communities theyre trying to deal with which is why they f*** up and misstep, a la all of Hollywood and most non POC or allies in general.

    Trump is an actual racist bigot. You clowns gotta stop

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    They’re all trash

    Lmao bruh talking about “uneducated” I think he needs to take a look into who he’s defending

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    The slavery is a choice comment doesn’t exist if the trump support didn’t exist

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    Why is it always some "You think theyre for black people"

    Hillary and Biden are boomer cis white straight people who either attempt to mean well(or operate on political clout of a position like most politicians) but arent actually in any of the communities theyre trying to deal with which is why they f*** up and misstep, a la all of Hollywood and most non POC or allies in general.

    Trump is an actual racist bigot. You clowns gotta stop

    Well I ask that because I’m black.

    We talk about Trump is this big time racist yet he’s done more for black people than Biden and the Clintons. And that’s an actual fact.

    Why don’t we ever talk about the racism that’s came from Clinton or Biden? Why do we only shine the light on Trump?

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    100% and it be niggas glued to that phones and social media who never speak up in person having the most to say and “cancelling” others

    Like why tf is it a trend for black people to side with Democrats? Nobody sees a clear issue with this?

    you’re dumb and i hope you’re not black

    the “trend” for people voting democrat is based in history and at the time they were voting republican but not the republican party of today.

    back then, democrats (not the same S today) didn’t allow black people to vote at all.

    and throughout black people have been voting for the less racist or the more progressive party and when the parties “switched”, democrats started bringing more equality and around those times republicans where still declining black people rights.

    democrats are definitely a lot more “progressive” than republicans and have been but they are still highkey racist and corrupt capitalists.

    however these are some of the main reasons as to why black people have been voting democrat.

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    100% and it be niggas glued to that phones and social media who never speak up in person having the most to say and “cancelling” others

    Like why tf is it a trend for black people to side with Democrats? Nobody sees a clear issue with this?

    With most black people, the trend is probably there because even tho the Democrats are a terrible party, people vote for them to keep out the Republicans they're even more scared of. With centre/centre-right parties like the Dems you know you might at least get some piece-meal change or be able to pull them into some real change by reforming the party. There is no hope for that in the Republican Party and if you have experienced racism you might want to work to structural change. Conservatives usually want to keep things as they are, why would you want America's systems to stay the same if you'd experienced them oppress you or people you care about?

    Out of everything Kanye's said about Trump/dems, the most logical conclusion from what I can tell is he thinks America will always be racist and he'd leave if it was a 'dealbreaker'. So he doesn't vote for black anti-racist interests. He likes Trump's tax cuts cos they don't 'fuck up the money', so he's essentially in a self-interested way letting his interests as a rich person outweigh the overall interests of the majority of society or black people. It's how most rich people vote, we shouldn't be that shocked.

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    Well I ask that because I’m black.

    We talk about Trump is this big time racist yet he’s done more for black people than Biden and the Clintons. And that’s an actual fact.

    Why don’t we ever talk about the racism that’s came from Clinton or Biden? Why do we only shine the light on Trump?

    Thats not a fact at all...


    Hillary and Biden have definitely done more for their black constituents than Trump. Do you even know what states these people used to serve office in?

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply

    mandem who make threads like op always ignore history and the fact that multiple republicans including trump are 100% racist.

    there’s a reason why kkk is involved with one party more than the other

  • Jul 1, 2020

    nope, for being a billionaire too

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply

    you’re dumb and i hope you’re not black

    the “trend” for people voting democrat is based in history and at the time they were voting republican but not the republican party of today.

    back then, democrats (not the same S today) didn’t allow black people to vote at all.

    and throughout black people have been voting for the less racist or the more progressive party and when the parties “switched”, democrats started bringing more equality and around those times republicans where still declining black people rights.

    democrats are definitely a lot more “progressive” than republicans and have been but they are still highkey racist and corrupt capitalists.

    however these are some of the main reasons as to why black people have been voting democrat.

    I am black. And am telling you it’s idiot to keep voting for a party that doesn’t do s*** for us.

    Why is it Bill Clinton use to be praised as “the first black president” yet he rolled out the crime bill along with Biden and all sat on TV calling black people super predators?

    And you know it’s bad when 20 + years later he had to apologize for it because he knows the way he helped structured the prison system is what’s f***ing us up still with mass incarceration.

    Nigga nobody is sitting here telling people to be republican and side with Trump. What I’m saying is it’s hypocritical to be against them but be so for Democrats who don’t give a f*** about us.

  • Jul 1, 2020
    The Viper

    Or if bernie beat hillary

    That’s why I hate the DNC

    They would rather rig the primaries for two of the woat candidates of all time and all but guarantee a Trump win, instead of letting Bernie bring about some real change in the country (because he would tax the s*** out of the higher-ups)

    But then they act like they’re our saviors and are actually on the side of the people

    F*** the 2 party system bruh. Absolute illusion of choice. Hope we get some riots on election night no matter which one of those two f***s gets elected.

  • Jul 1, 2020
    2 replies

    mandem who make threads like op always ignore history and the fact that multiple republicans including trump are 100% racist.

    there’s a reason why kkk is involved with one party more than the other

    Except the Democrats invented the KKK

    Bro stop with all this I’m well informed about all this s***

  • Jul 1, 2020

    Trump is literally threatening to reestablish redlining to pander to suburban whites and OP posted "This guy is doing more good for the blacks than literally INSERT ANY DEMOCRAT OR LEFT LEANING BREATHING HUMAN BEING IN THE LAST 40 YEARS OF AMERICAN HISTORY

    A paper bag holding an Arizona has done more for Blacks then the dude who stripped the Pell Grant. Stop clown posting 😂

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    It can be f*** trump but is it also f*** Hilary/Biden?

    absolutely but f*** biden less than trump (imo)

  • Jul 1, 2020
    The Viper

    Or if bernie beat hillary

    the hero we needed but didn't deserve and we got baited and switched TWICE. f***ing hell.

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    They’re all trash

    They are not equivalent. Not even close

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    And the “slavery is a choice” comment?

    Just curious of how many people on this site is aware of the hypocrisy that those who “””””cancelled””””” Ye were the same people who supports people who’s even more evil & racist.....Hilary and Biden

    so you a Trump supporter?

  • Jul 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Thats not a fact at all...


    Hillary and Biden have definitely done more for their black constituents than Trump. Do you even know what states these people used to serve office in?

    You show me one thing Trump has done that has negatively affected black people worse than the crime bill

    And I’m gonna assume you know what the crime bill is and whom was involved and how Bill Clinton himself keeps tryna apologize for it.

    Before COVID unemployment was at its lowest amongst black people in history

    Trump brought back funding for black colleges, same funding that Democrats took away.

    He’s against planned parenthood which if anyone knows history was started by Margaret Sanger under the Original title “negro project” that was designed to control the birth rate amongst African Americans. Now I’m not saying that’s the reason Trump is against it. But that’s still a plus

    He’s gotten over 7000 people outta prison with the majority of them being black

    And I’m no Trump supporter at all OMM I don’t vote for none of these crooks. So me being black and not bias can clearly see. This racist (Trump) is doing better than the other racist (Biden/ Hilary) so why are we openly siding with them?

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    They are not equivalent. Not even close

    like I don't get why this is so hard for people to understand.

  • Jul 1, 2020

    who is gonna die first? trump or biden? if biden kicks the bucket in office we could have the first female president (which would be f***ing amazing). if not, maybe the U.S. will never live to see a female president

  • Krillin

    so you a Trump supporter?

    100% no. I don’t support either. I’m just pointing out it’s hypocritical af to tear down one person for supporting trump IF you are supporting Hilary/Biden

    If it’s f*** all three then cool f*** all three

    But you literally cannot argue that Biden/Hilary is better than Trump

  • Jul 1, 2020
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    Lmao bruh talking about “uneducated” I think he needs to take a look into who he’s defending

    You need to look into the facts man. This country has never been more divided. Trump had ran his platform on bigotry. He has normalized racism. Literally looking at basic facts trumps any argument you have man

  • Jul 1, 2020
    3 replies

    They are not equivalent. Not even close

    Nah. It’s pretty close

    The thing about Trump hate is that we all already know he’s a piece of s***. That’s obvious at this point

    Why can’t we put that energy towards some movement that makes people aware of how EVERY politician is a piece of s*** who doesn’t have any of our interests in mind and eventually guillotine them on live TV

    · edited

    Nah. It’s pretty close

    The thing about Trump hate is that we all already know he’s a piece of s***. That’s obvious at this point

    Why can’t we put that energy towards some movement that makes people aware of how EVERY politician is a piece of s*** who doesn’t have any of our interests in mind and eventually guillotine them on live TV


    niggas keep shinning the light on Trump and tryna cover up everyone else’s bad doings

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