Imagine the VLAD TV interviews we’ll get in 10 years like we got with the whole Death Row situation
Why yall always forget 50/Kanye. I guess cause the focus wasn’t diss tracks but it was probably as big if not bigger in media and charts
Not the same thing, it was friendly and there weren’t any diss tracks involved. More of a marketing stunt
its super WW3 like hella nukes just went off
To me it kind of reminds me of basketball conversations. Like it’s hard to compare the 90s and 00s league to the current day league. Without a doubt one of the most important, arguably the most publicized just due to the social media world we live in but ranking them is hard through different eras
was the east vs west beef even real outside of pac and biggie
everything else seemed blown out of proportion, the NY NY video etc
The NY NY video is a documentary, idk how to explain the terror people felt when they saw a 1000 ft tall Daz Dillinger on the horizon
but yeah it seems pretty real tbh way more of a “rap civil war” than Kendrick/Drake
the lore of this rap beef goes deep and you gotta listen to like 12 tracks from the last month just to get the full story
Top 5, maybe top 3. Cause both went hard and there were multiple songs. BIG and Pac, Jay and Nas, Dre and E and a few others have shouts.
hip hop's last hurrah
nah new renaissance incoming
kdot bringing back real hiphop again to the mainstream
hip hop's last hurrah
What genre takes it over?
I remember in 2012, people thought EDM was gonna replace it, but that never happened
Don’t see any new contenders atm