really amazing song, right there with “Fire” as my favs on the album.
wasn’t sure how i felt at first about her going alt country, but tbh it’s a natural progression, and the whole album sounds pretty great.
really amazing song, right there with “Fire” as my favs on the album.
wasn’t sure how i felt at first about her going alt country, but tbh it’s a natural progression, and the whole album sounds pretty great.
One of my fav posts of all time was when @sentient_sherm_bag called her wax-her-coochie
One of my fav posts of all time was when @sentient_sherm_bag called her wax-her-coochie
One of my fav posts of all time was when @sentient_sherm_bag called her wax-her-coochie
@sentient_sherm_bag lmfao
f***ing with the new track
american weekend and cerulean salt still by go to albums to fall asleep too
Since getting sober, Crutchfield has made an effort to accept the circumstances of her life for what they are, and to remain engaged with and curious about them, even if they don’t conform to stereotypes about how rock stars are supposed to live. There are a few songs on Tigers Blood about easing into the long middle stretch of a relationship, and one about a day spent sleeping in and taking a road trip to a nearby lake. “If I was trying to give you a quick pitch on this record, you would be like, That sounds f***ing boring,” she says. “But I’m on a lifelong mission to be extremely present with the current age I’m at, whatever place in my life I’m at, and just write about those things, even if they might seem a little mundane on the outside.”
Crutchfield had struggled with writer’s block when composing the lyrics to Saint Cloud. Tigers Blood, by comparison, came much more easily. “Saint Cloud was writing from a more troubled place,” she says. “Even though the narrative around that record is that it’s so warm and hopeful, and I do think it is, but maybe some of that was a bit aspirational, because I had struggled so much to get sober. With this record, I feel a lot more at peace in general in my life. I’m really trying to squash the idea that you have to be completely chaotic and tortured to make interesting art, or have something interesting to say.”
good read.
Stupid question, I'd rather not ask you.
You cause all that trouble then beg for more.
her second in a row and their highest score of the year i believe checking it out in a bit
intro already off with a bang
Never checked out anything by her (them?) so I’m excited to give this album a listen
Never checked out anything by her (them?) so I’m excited to give this album a listen
awesome! i just got on board with her previous album Saint Cloud which was a change in sound from her earlier work. she's great, enjoy
awesome! i just got on board with her previous album Saint Cloud which was a change in sound from her earlier work. she's great, enjoy
I’ll check that out for sure but probably will begin with this!
I’ll let you know how I like it
yeah Right Back to It has to be one of her best tracks. so light and breezy
Bored is a BANGER