yeah this was lovely and even more consistent than Saint Cloud
damn u listening to everything too
Love this pod when they interview musicians I know
Right Back To It is definitely one of my fav tracks of the year so far and one of her best tracks overall, which is saying a lot
That being said, the album as a whole isn’t blowing me away on first listen. Cerulean Salt and Ivy Tripp are still strongly positioned as my two favorite albums she’s made, by miles
i don't see why you would lie, it was never the love you wanted
it's a state of mind you designed, you get everything you waaant...
you drive like you're wanted in four states
in a busted truck in Opelika
your bad reputation carries, and i'm just like ya...
Tigers Blood is so solid. that run from Right Back To It to Crimes of the Heart I think this will get more plays in fall than it did in spring/summer. the new track is good too