Last one was over 5 years ago tho lmao.
A teen titans game would go crazy though
Yea but what other DC property has gotten a triple A game? I fw Injustice but that’s literally it.
I thought this was Bat MAN not Bat children.
Did you not play Arkham Knight
It is okay I saw someone say it wasn't
We good.
Is it good
Kind of yes kind of no.
The parts outside of the batmobile sections are f***ing awesome.
They just shoehorned the batmobile into alot of the game
Is it good
Yeah it's definitely good, it's better if you havent read any Batman s*** or know plotlines of the big story it derives from. The batmobile s*** was ehh but the rest was as good as any other Batman game
I'm surprised so many people don't like the fact that enemies level up with you. Personally, I always hate when you out level the enemies so much that you basically one shot everything. It makes the side content kinda pointless and boring cause there's no challenge and its ridiculously easy. At least that's how it is in the new AC games.
Game looks cool though. It will really depend how different the characters feel though cause I could easily see them all feeling mostly the same with minor differences.