It reads like I’m trying to jab the site but I’m just speaking personally
I get a lot of enjoyment from posting here but it doesn’t effectively substitute IRL kinship, so I’m left wanting
It's sad that a lot of communities and forums are just becoming like sports twitter where you can't have a discussion anymore
its not that i dont know people its that im not close with many people
that s*** go deeper than a hobby
What you said seems surface level. What do you like about math/science anime etc? What can you do in those activities to meet new people? For example have you gone to a anime convention?
What you said seems surface level. What do you like about math/science anime etc? What can you do in those activities to meet new people? For example have you gone to a anime convention?
Blame capitalism brother
Actually yeah
You gotta do way too many things just to survive and you're left with no time for yourself
how ppl maintain friendships w/ more than 10-15 ppl @ a time is baffling
If they all in the same friend group it makes it easier
Doesn’t have to be this way
We all got our own lives and live in different cities. We link to kick it and work on our shared hobby. It can be any way you want it to be. My sisters fly to different states just to see their friends and they do the same back. It’s just real life, not all your friends have to be near you for you to see them and keep up with them and not feel lonely.
I got group chats with different friends and we all live separately and plan meetups and keep in touch. That’s how life works lol
My favourite hobby is sleeping
the whole introvert-extravert dichotomy should be reimagined, its literally the most pointless description when pretty much 75% of people are one thing (introvert) and 25% the other (extravert) and even then 'not entirely'
They are boxes that will ultimately not let you develop further because you think you should be this way
Same with personality tests
I don’t think most lonely guys have women asking them friendly questions out of no where lol but there is a point here to try and be friendly
No loser s*** most people mind their own business
Non-walkable cities are such a huge barrier to developing new friendships. Having everything be 10-30 mins by car is emotionally taxing af
If the time it takes is the same id rather just drive.
if everyone lived close together then it would be apartments/condos which most people dont want anyway.
things make a lot more sense now
Bro every time I think i’m something or i’m feeling a type a way I come on here and niggas remind me that i’m perfectly fine
Non-walkable cities are such a huge barrier to developing new friendships. Having everything be 10-30 mins by car is emotionally taxing af
Walkable cities that are albeit decently sized always have meet up activites where you can find new people to connect with
Idk man after partying and going out 3 days a week for a decade being alone is nice.
He gets it
What you said seems surface level. What do you like about math/science anime etc? What can you do in those activities to meet new people? For example have you gone to a anime convention?
i dont do s*** but make music and work
im not lonely tho
Op needs his thread privileges revoked. This guy just constantly makes click bait and troll threads.
Get off the internet and get a life loser
need her