  • Apr 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Libya got more f***ed, syria got more f***ed, egypt got more f***ed, gaza got more f***ed, iran got more f***ed

    Did obama do s*** when gaza was getting bombed??? Did obama say s*** when iran got exposed for cheating in their 2008 election by millions of people on the streets??? Nah but he was quick to do speeches in egypt universities tho

    If anything you are a weirdo synopsis

  • Apr 12, 2020

    tf are you talking about

    Obama was really popular in Europe and he improved America's image on the global stage after Bush destroyed it (and blew all the goodwill/sympathy gained after 9/11)

    If you think Obama ruined America's image and burned bridges with the EU you're so misinformed it's sad

    imagine being this naive. barry did a great job too huh? 2020 bois

  • Apr 12, 2020
    1 reply

    almost like border wall, manufacturing, f*** china and the like etc... were what don was tryna tell niggas

  • Apr 12, 2020
    1 reply

    almost like border wall, manufacturing, f*** china and the like etc... were what don was tryna tell niggas

    Feels like people got inner conflicts themselves. They know deep down trumps been right but too afraid to admit it to themselves, cause of this whole woke mentality that the one percent elites have created. They are too afraid to speak up against what's wrong because now we have to be accepting of everything. Guess what that is exactly what the authoritarians want.

  • Apr 12, 2020

    Feels like people got inner conflicts themselves. They know deep down trumps been right but too afraid to admit it to themselves, cause of this whole woke mentality that the one percent elites have created. They are too afraid to speak up against what's wrong because now we have to be accepting of everything. Guess what that is exactly what the authoritarians want.

    unfortunately that is the case, doubling down on the anti trump wave just for clout. i wonder how many wont cash the check because its from this admin.

  • Apr 12, 2020

    Its actually Japan not china you didnt read I see

    Nope, it’s China according to the latest US treasury report

  • Apr 12, 2020
    1 reply

    not a majority lol, not even close they hold 1/24th of the debt

    they have the most foreign held debt but Japan is very close they both hold a lil over a Trillion dollars of debt

    us bankers hold the most debt then the government holds another large piece of it

    I sure meant between other countries. Even if it’s 5 percent of the whole volume, dumping these holdings can deflate the bond market. You’ll say that’s gonna hard China cause its gonna send the market into extreme volatility, but at this point in time (and in the future) China is the most stable, healthiest economy and will recover from shocks rather quickly

  • Apr 12, 2020

    If u think America has any interest in propping up any country then you're deranged

    Israel Taiwan South Korea Japan Saudi Arabia Panama Colombia Costa Rica Ukraine...

  • Apr 12, 2020

    Europe doesn't even really follow the Iran sanctions why on Earth would they folloe China sanctions

  • Apr 12, 2020

    I sure meant between other countries. Even if it’s 5 percent of the whole volume, dumping these holdings can deflate the bond market. You’ll say that’s gonna hard China cause its gonna send the market into extreme volatility, but at this point in time (and in the future) China is the most stable, healthiest economy and will recover from shocks rather quickly

    China has insane amounts of debt also lol, the whole world is over leveraged no one will recover from this very fast, China is in a better position than the US but not by much

    also a majority is 50%+1 I think you meant to say they have a plurality of foreign debt

    and it could crash the bond market but that isn't very much money man
    the fed could easily step in and stabilize with its printer

  • Apr 12, 2020

    I hope you know that China owns the majority of US debt.

    And Sanction China as much as you want. every country on earth is gonna defy these sanctions

    We'll see about all that debt s*** when this corona s*** blows over

  • Apr 12, 2020

    Libya got more f***ed, syria got more f***ed, egypt got more f***ed, gaza got more f***ed, iran got more f***ed

    Did obama do s*** when gaza was getting bombed??? Did obama say s*** when iran got exposed for cheating in their 2008 election by millions of people on the streets??? Nah but he was quick to do speeches in egypt universities tho

    If anything you are a weirdo synopsis

    Idfw obama

    Trump.has been just as destructive globally

  • rano 🇧🇷
    Apr 12, 2020
    rwina sawayama

    this might be the lowest IQ thread ive seen on ktt yet

  • Apr 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Like racist Americans would ever support empowering Mexico

    I don’t think you understand the active element here, I doubt it’s racially motivated

  • Apr 12, 2020
    1 reply

    If u think America has any interest in propping up any country then you're deranged

    I’m convinced that nothing short of nuclear blackmail could make the USA get off its ass to help another country

  • Apr 12, 2020
    1 reply

    I don’t think you understand the active element here, I doubt it’s racially motivated

    For plenty of voters it is tho

  • Apr 12, 2020

    For plenty of voters it is tho

  • Apr 13, 2020

    I’m convinced that nothing short of nuclear blackmail could make the USA get off its ass to help another country

    ? lmaoo all us does is foot the bill for everything

  • Apr 13, 2020

    I don't know what you mean and I'm certainly not watching that nutass video

    But we should definitely move all our production back to the states or out of China at the very least. And the rest of the world should follow suit.

    Stop tryna scrape out every nickel and dime possible and just pay more money for labor so we don't have the whole world in position to get f***ed like we are now.

  • Apr 13, 2020
    fun guy

    what world are you living in

    America is on the decline and China is going up tbh, there's no sending china back to 1985 wtf

    gonna quote this for safekeeping

  • Apr 13, 2020

    mans sounds like a biden clone