plus it's a cultural artifact that black people have jurisdiction over, unlike our other stuff like music etc. in that sense its kinda good that we still do it
and exactly this
and exactly this
i think we should keep the gatherings
that is where the magic is
it was never about the food imo
Why is this even a question? F*** no I hope soul food never goes away
have you ever considered why we eat it?
i actually care less about the health aspect
and much more about what it means for us to continue to prepare food from that time period
you know?
like, at what point do we move on?
we willingly eat some of the worst parts of the pig
for what?
I think it shows resilience if anything. We got what we had and we made it taste good nothin wrong with chitlens and fatback every now and then it’s just pride and our strength if you asking me
Home cooked Soul food is still better for you than 80% of fast food out there.
It's all about regulation and portion sizes.
i think we should keep the gatherings
that is where the magic is
it was never about the food imo
did a soulfood cook bully you as a youth?
did a soulfood cook bully you as a youth?
i didn't wanna eat soul food even as a kid
you can imagine how well that went over
I think it shows resilience if anything. We got what we had and we made it taste good nothin wrong with chitlens and fatback every now and then it’s just pride and our strength if you asking me
i will always respect that
and that can never be taken away from us
i just feel like we can't rest on our laurels and leave it there
we can do better
i think we should keep the gatherings
that is where the magic is
it was never about the food imo
It's 100% about the food
but i'm a black dude
and i said "are we"
i'm included in this
i want us to grow as a people
and i think now is the time
Nothing wrong with growing as people but I think we have bigger issues to get rid of. Soul food for the most part can be healthy depending on how it’s cooked. Instead of fried chicken all the time you can change that to baked chicken. Instead of regular salt you can change that for salt with less sodium
i will always respect that
and that can never be taken away from us
i just feel like we can't rest on our laurels and leave it there
we can do better
Kinda understand what u sayin but it’s tradition at this point and where are we gonna evolve to anyway
What does "we can do better than soul food" even mean? Why can't we have our own food without it being some kinda issue? Every cultural group has their own kinda "soul food". Why is it suddenly a thing that has to be discussed and "moved away from" when it comes to black people?
What does "we can do better than soul food" even mean? Why can't we have our own food without it being some kinda issue? Every cultural group has their own kinda "soul food". Why is it suddenly a thing that has to be discussed and "moved away from" when it comes to black people?
don't fall into this trap
it's always a choice
if you want to continue on as you are
you will always have that freedom
i'm just speaking for the people who want to push us forward
Kinda understand what u sayin but it’s tradition at this point and where are we gonna evolve to anyway
i think it starts with what @Hombre said
healthier options with some of our favorites
because i feel like even that would be a nice step forward
but beyond the food
what i'm saying is
as people...
at these gatherings
we should be building up our souls
if we ever get on the same page
do y'all know who and what we could become
i'm trying to get us there
don't fall into this trap
it's always a choice
if you want to continue on as you are
you will always have that freedom
i'm just speaking for the people who want to push us forward
Man give it a rest. It's food. Either eat it or don't.
have you ever considered why we eat it?
Sure the history is pretty nasty but the food is still delicious. Black people were given scraps and they turned it into delicious food. Whereas white people had first pick of the best meat and veg around and are still making s*** bland food.
As for the unhealthy aspect, everything should be taken in moderation
Sure the history is pretty nasty but the food is still delicious. Black people were given scraps and they turned it into delicious food. Whereas white people had first pick of the best meat and veg around and are still making s*** bland food.
As for the unhealthy aspect, everything should be taken in moderation
now imagine what we could do with healthier food
that's all i'm saying