yeah that’s 11 min long and i’m hiding in the bathroom at work rn you got any cliff notes for me g?
for the record i don’t think any should be held as being literal i just don’t see why it’s fine for her to have poetic license with her lyrics and not give the same to others of a different genre
u missed nothing i watched it and within the first 30 seconds she makes the point that if others can lie in their music bout themselves then so can she
however if you are interested in production the video does serve that audience cus they talk about how bad guy was made, kinda
every genre of music puts up a front of authenticity but in reality is a brand to sell to the consumers.
So hip hop included right?
Why these pop stars have so much to say about Hip-Hop, invite any basic pop star on a interview they will always manage to say some passive aggresive s*** about Hip-Hop.
they're mad their genre isn't as dominatant anymore
So hip hop included right?
Of course.
I’m sure there are plenty of artists that are authentic but even those artists are likely exaggerate facets of their life
So hip hop included right?
She said she's not lying in her songs but the very concept of bad guy in the video someone linked is her puttin on a persona
Reminder that they are from the same species
! a beautiful video
Lol fake depressed girl mad about authenticity
What authenticity? Can you even explain your post?
I’m calling bluffs.
Reminder that they are from the same species
! course.
I’m sure there are plenty of artists that are authentic but even those artists are likely exaggerate facets of their life
So wheres the lie in her statement?
thats why i like russ
he just would never say s*** like this or what post or miley said
Billie's latest hip hop idol
Then why do y’all care so much about their opinion? Cause y’all listen to her shut then gets mad when she criticizes something you like? Y’all keep saying “rap is the new pop/rock” well guess what? Those genres were heavily criticized when they were on top too
Nah sorry i don't see Kendrick Lamar, J cole or Drake going out there talking s*** about other music genres during interviews. Only these entitled pop stars and their superiority complex are doing this lame ass s***.
2 niggas that swear they don’t like me keep quoting me and idk why
Keep doing you boss
Talkin' 'bout you poppin' tags, nigga, you ain't bought s***
Talkin' 'bout a hunnid bottles, nigga, you ain't popped s***
All you talk 'Nana clips, nigga, you ain't shot s***
Spending money on these hoes, nigga, you ain't f*** s***
Talkin' 'bout you poppin' tags (Shit!), nigga, you ain't bought s*** (Shit!)
Nah it was revealed in another thread that it’s a blond white girl. She used to upload her pics to KTT1
who cares