So wheres the lie in her statement?
I haven’t read in depth. but even bringing this up at all is some passive aggressive white girl s***.
stating the obvious that doesn’t need to be said if not just for the sole purpose of spitting on another genre of music that she takes a lot of influence off.
She even jacking swag in her interviews smh:
"But every song's like gold teeth, Grey Goose, trippin' in the bathroom
Bloodstains, ball gowns, trashin' the hotel room
We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams"
"It’s like, ‘I got my AK-47, and I’m f**kin’,’ and I’m like, what? You don’t have a gun. ‘And all my b****es…’ I’m like, which b****es?"
This is the equivalent of criticizing Toby Maguire for not being able to glue himself to walls and ceilings in real life
every genre of music puts up a front of authenticity but in reality is a brand to sell to the consumers.
Well I don't listen to fake rappers so I can't relate
you all get so angry over the dumbest s***
I’m more mad at the niggas ITT who keep white knighting her when she’s just a racist vampire and proves it over and over again
exactly, in which case
like i’ve come to accept a s*** ton of lyrics and songs are lies, exaggerations or poetic interpretations. she’s acting like she exempt for some reason??
or is it just bc it’s hip hop so it’s easier to single out the lies?
Bad guy is supposed to be some sort of alter ego just like Tyler did with Wolf Haley, it never was supposed to be taken literally, the lyrics are grotesque on purpose
She can sing & has a great voice but she don't write or produce s***, right? Genuinely asking cause I don't know
Billie looks she gives good bubbly head hopefully Drake turns her out
If she hates black people why is she always talking like them in interviews?
When did she say that?
they're mad their genre isn't as dominatant anymore
I'm going to set up a GoFundMe for her
u got that 2 for 5.99?
Nah they aint got that here smh
Got a medium pie and calzone for 18
She can sing & has a great voice but she don't write or produce s***, right? Genuinely asking cause I don't know
She cant actually sing
If she hates black people why is she always talking like them in interviews?
man WHAT