Even then it's not her place to be saying this. No shots but non blacks gotta learn they lane in Hip Hop as guest.
She a step away from a Miley Cyrus "Kendrick and Rocky look alike" moment.
Its also hypocritical because she and her brother bragging in the same interview about how she's using dark visuals and lyrics to sell music but she's a good kid irl.
She's a hypocrite
I’m still pissed at the 1975 saying hip-hop is more emotionally open now than ever
Said a trap pop bullshit plant artist. She's lucky she got planted during the streaming era and that the market is controled by 12 year olds with smartphones, a spotify account that dad pays for and unlimited amount of free time to stream dumb music. This b**** got the audacity to call rap stupid .. this b**** only uses kick drums, synth bass and 808s in her songs .. this is a case of thinking you are something special when in reality you ain't done s***.
Not to mention Vince Staples and Denzel Curry basically did free advertising for her irrelevant ass willingly and now that she’s bigger than they are she turns around like this. If that’s not white privilege idk what is
wtf lmaooo you notice how this post only got one like? how tf is she influenced by xxxtentacion at all?
Maybe she's really good on the grill??
Maybe she's really good on the grill??
not funny
seek professional help immediately.
Nigga digusting
Assumed you were from the US where most hispanics here are part mestizo and the Spanish were once also one of the biggest colonizers in the world and a large participant in the trans-Atlantic slave trade along with the Brits, Portuguese, and French.
Assumed you were from the US where most hispanics here are part mestizo and the Spanish were once also one of the biggest colonizers in the world and a large participant in the trans-Atlantic slave trade along with the Brits, Portuguese, and French.
Oh...my god?
Are you f***ing stupid?
This b****'s whole swag comes from soundcloud rap pioneers
F*** off you f***ing plant
If this had been Logic or Jack Harlow yall woulda lit up
nah i f*** with jack harlow
logic idc about him
Oh...my god?
Are you f***ing stupid?
Me explaining the joke or you possibly not knowing the history of your own roots and so a nigga has to explain it for you?
Me explaining the joke or you possibly not knowing the history of your own roots and so a nigga has to explain it for you?
What f***ing school did you go to? Honestly curious before I educate you
fair enough, i get what youre saying
Im just over this idea that Hip Hop is something for everybody to discuss. Especially authenticity in it being discussed by an 18 year old rich white girl literally from the valley who pretends to be sad for sales.
S*** is wack and I don't see how people wil defend this beyond "its her opinion".