Best a***ysis i've read.
Is it really that deep?
Is it really that deep?
idk if it’s that deep but the vegas/fallen angel/la portion are/seem true. and then i think storyline wise, the clones/are like a follow on the celebrity worship/fakeness of the industry/la bc they do fall and he’s still standing at the end
Is it really that deep?
It’s a little far fetched but there is absolutely a lot of symbolism throughout the performance
He commented too LMFAOOO
Approaching 1 Million likes on Youtube
That 95 to 5 percent like to dislike ratio
this is a good reaction video
why the f*** is he moaning all the time
Its still surreal that this man is getting memed across all social media
that ending fits so well its crazy loool
Just watched the performance again on youtube... this is without a doubt among the best super bowl halftime performances. This man hardly ever lip synced. I wasn't that big of a fan of Earned It when it came out, but it was HITTING here. HoB transition is GOATed
my man hopped on KTT on his burner account and decided to use the thesaurus to prove a point
Yes, words u don’t understand are offensive. of course
Weeknd reposted shortly after this post