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  • Jan 11, 2021
    2 replies

    2000, what. the. f***.

  • Jan 11, 2021

    no worries

    there's more im going to reply to later cause im going to sleep

    but i pressed play on weekend woman

    i heard the first couple seconds and im like immediately deflated cause im like "nah, i dont know this s***"

    but then he starts singing, and that melody i would never forget....




    this is a song that i only have known as like a 50 second clip

    and just right now im seeing there's actually a full version of it now

    and now of course, that it's been remade


    and thats like another thing ...there are so many songs that i have such quality s*** versions of because thats all that existed, and now i see that a lot of them have been unearth and recorded

    like i spent YEARS adoring the version of superfriend that was cut from the video recording

    and like a life dream was always ''god i wish i could hear it for real'' because i truly never thought it was going to happen. especially after the direction they started going. like why would he ever return to these old ass songs?

    and then he did.

    and now i somewhat know of a lot of stuff theyve re-recorded. but today i saw in a comment that he put out like hundreds of old songs? it's honestly overwhelming.

    AND let's write a song!!

    i lived for that s***

    i actually will reference it like this:

    of course no one knows wtf im referencing because its in a f***ing kpop server LMAO

    but this s*** is so engrained in my dna it just comes out tbh LMAO

    i need to find the video its from

    take your time! it’s a pleasure to have you here and get to show you all that stuff, isn’t this finished burning sun amazing? i wasn’t too confident bc idk how popular the short clip was - the full burning sun did end up leaking but only in more recent years, but man he turned that beautiful melodic from a generic green formula to something special, the lyrics are about the same girl he wrote about on o girlfriend and on do you wanna get high (white album) - when you listen to these three songs in a row it paints a such intense detailed picture

    you should’ve seen my face when i read you posting the lyrics of the burning sun clip MY BOI

    and yes the demos i brought that up in my other replies - there’s more than 2,000 songs out by now of all eras !!!

    that’s so amazing that you lived and remember the let’s write a song era and bring up that line out the top of your head it reminds me how og stans used to always remind rivers how he once called his stans little b****es during the maladroit message board days (tbh rivers isn’t too wrong for that in hindsight)

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    how good their new s***?

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply
    clb younghotness

    how good their new s***?

    like how new we speaking? what’s the last stuff you know or heard of

  • Jan 11, 2021
    2 replies

    like how new we speaking? what’s the last stuff you know or heard of

    their latest album

    i'm a big fan of their older classics

  • Jan 11, 2021
    2 replies
    clb younghotness

    their latest album

    i'm a big fan of their older classics

    black album is amazing

  • Jan 11, 2021

    2000, what. the. f***.

    rivers too generous we not worthy

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply
    clb younghotness

    their latest album

    i'm a big fan of their older classics

    you heard of the white album tho? that’s a must

  • Jan 11, 2021
    2 replies

    weezer was everything for me in the beginning. every day i would come home to try to find songs i didn't have. i would come across like secret sites where you could download like 4 or 5 songs. this was s*** before s*** like weerez or this site that had mostly everything in one place. i was so pissed when i found the site years later lmao.

    anyway, this daily search is what lead me to forums. i already was on some at the time but its here i began to join a good amount. i remember i would read weezer nation a lot, but i think when the albumfive boards came about, i was pretty active on that one.

    and i remember the only reason i got on myspace was because i came across rivers' myspace. i was too young to f***ing understand what the f*** myspace was, but the two major things that screamed at me when i was on rivers myspace was the status notification that he was "online now" and the "message" button. the s*** blew my mind! my hero was online at the same moment i was and i could talk to him??? i had to f***ing join. i remember he had like 3000 friends and i thought that was such an insane number LMAO.

    anyway, but yes, the obsession was real. like, i remember i saw these puma's rivers was wearing in a picture from years earlier, and i spent 5 days just searching online for them. (got 'em lmao). i remember i spent a summer saving up to recreate his blue strat with the turtle pickguard. (didn't happen in the end), or when i made an excel spreadsheet of all weezer songs (from the four albums that existed at the time), and i checked them off as i learned them on guitar.

    the music of course spoke for itself, but there's the obvious connection i made with the ...i guess what we would call today as "brand" of their music and them, specifically rivers.

    i thought he was a god. i loved that he was so unassuming. maybe that's how i viewed myself? or wanted to view myself? someone unassuming, but possessed amazing talent. and from the songs, of course, the underdog that the narrator is in so many of them. (this aspect i kinda.....dont look back so fondly on tbh)

    anyway, this love kinda showed me how to become a f***ing stan tbh. through them i learned how to use the internet to suck up everything an artist or band had to offer. i think they may have been my first concert i went to that i wanted to go to too. they really provided so many experiences.

    cant exactly remember when i stopped f***ing with them. like right now, i honestly can't name the album that came out after make believe. maybe the red album (is that an actual album)? and then ratitude? and then hurley? i guess it was obviously after make believe. i guess with make believe i had grown up enough to see the business aspect of selling music and images. i guess i viewed it like they were "selling out" but more so for relevancy rather than actual money, and thats also around the time i was only f***ing with indie bands cause i guess i thought those bands were more 'geniune' LMAOOOOOOOOOO

    at this point, i always see their name in passing, and of course, it catches my eye, but im usually so distracted that i never really stop and think about how much the band means to me, so i never feel motivated to see what theyre up to. usually i think i view them as like puppy dog love, you know? like you loved them because you were young and they were your first.

    last album i listened to them was 'white album' and i liked it overall. and because i was listening to the album on youtube, i listened to 'friend of a friend' for the first time today, and i was floored. the man is truly a genius.

    im sorry, this s*** was a lot of blabbering.

    @cotton_dockers @RVI @grimes @Womanpuncher69 @HeyFella @Goo @Teal_ @Cookies @Kaiser @Vtticvz see this what im here hustling for.. real s***, all for the music

  • Jan 11, 2021

    black album is amazing


  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    2000, what. the. f***.

    some left out s*** past make believe will blow your mind

    actually this was originally written early make believe era but was re-recorded electric later

    real pinkerton hours in it

  • Jan 11, 2021

    @cotton_dockers @RVI @grimes @Womanpuncher69 @HeyFella @Goo @Teal_ @Cookies @Kaiser @Vtticvz see this what im here hustling for.. real s***, all for the music

    also @mets check this out

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    you heard of the white album tho? that’s a must

    naw i really f***ed with the singles on it tho

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    black album is amazing

    i'll have to check that out salute

  • Jan 11, 2021
    clb younghotness

    naw i really f***ed with the singles on it tho


    this gonna blow your mind and keep in mind it’s a deluxe bonus song

  • Jan 11, 2021
    clb younghotness

    i'll have to check that out salute

    if you’re oldschool not sure you’ll be a fan of it tho tbh i wouldn’t recommend it to you

    go for white and if you havnt go for everything will be alright in the end too!

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    LMFAO wtf just googled weezer albums and in the list there’s some odd compilations and lives and one of them the cover google uses is some artwork i did myself


  • Jan 11, 2021

    @seriousrabbit i personally love pacific daydream it’s a more pop weezer album but in a tasteful way lots of modern production mixed with some throwback sixties stuff, some of the material there is their most beach boys inspired joints ever - but some oldheads fans don’t like it bc It’s not rocking (there’s no guitar solo on it in great contrast to the white album or even more so “everything will be alright in the end” who even goes as far as having guitar instrumentals if that’s more of the weezer you’re looking into)

  • Jan 11, 2021
    1 reply

    @DonutHole now need your thoughts on the green album

  • Jan 11, 2021
    · edited

    LMFAO wtf just googled weezer albums and in the list there’s some odd compilations and lives and one of them the cover google uses is some artwork i did myself



    ok i need to hire a manager every one if you have a question reach my asssistant please thank u

  • Jan 11, 2021

    @cyberkid2000 in for the symphonic orchestra album???

  • Jan 11, 2021

    @DonutHole now need your thoughts on the green album

    This album was surprisingly short and most songs sounded the same to me: they are consistent which is a good thing if one likes this style of music.

    Standout songs imo

    • Island in the sun : the first ten seconds had me confused sounds so familiar idk what it is maybe someone sampled them or they sampled someone...or it was used in a movie/commercial. Anyways I enjoyed this one the most

    • smile

    • simple pages

  • Jan 11, 2021

    This could be beautiful on OK Human

  • Jan 11, 2021

    yeah this album was a reaction to its predecessor pinkerton which became a cult but didn’t do well when it came out, very raw intense so after it didn’t do great they went on hiatus and rivers reworked his songwritting and that’s why the green album has this formula of being less .. soulful but it’s fun power pop!

    you prolly know island in the sun from it being used for so long for the tv ads for laposte lol but it’s used a lot everywhere it’s prolly their biggest hit back in europe

    smile is goat

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