ok I listened to Black album I listened to it before when I went grocery shopping but I didnt really pay attention to it.
and thank god I revisted so late in their careers and this still experimenting and try new s***. First song in im like this is some electronic s*** some daft punk s*** then I checked the cover and noticed the daft punk cosplay and I was like
Love songs like Zombie B******s,High as a Kite, and Piece of Cake. idk how he does it Rivers just knows how to make an catchy infectious song no matter what. Zombie B******s I can just listen to forever.
Also idk why I put High as a Kite in the paragraph before I love the song but its not really catchy its more like Too Many Thoughts in my Head, and Im Just being Honest which are just None the less I love them both.
Then there's Byzantine I absolutely love this song maybe because im a history nerd, but god the strings in it, actually the whole song does make me feel like im Greece, and its not the only song with a "European" feel to it, cant knock the hustle also had a similar feel. But the lyrics relating the relationship being complicated and relating it to the unnecessary complicated system of governance the Byzantine Empire had at the same time managing it make it sound like a warm relaxing day at greek beaches. its perfect.
I didnt really enjoy Living in L.A. The opening with im back in black sounds kinda corny maybe cuz I cringe at my younger days being an AC/DC fan, other than that one nitpick I just dont really feel the song. Also didnt like California Snow either I like the production but it has the same formula as Living in L.A. Maybe I just dont like California and the state should just sink already
Overall I love this album, and im taking that comment about Califonia Snow because im listening to it again and its growing on me its like Living in LA done right.
Wish there was a Strokes thread that was this popping. These are my two popular bands that I’m ride or die for. Lol
I think I figured out what She Has A Way With Words sounds kinda like. It might be Time Is Running Out by Muse. I still think It’s something else but it might be that.
ok I listened to Black album I listened to it before when I went grocery shopping but I didnt really pay attention to it.
and thank god I revisted so late in their careers and this still experimenting and try new s***. First song in im like this is some electronic s*** some daft punk s*** then I checked the cover and noticed the daft punk cosplay and I was like
Love songs like Zombie B******s,High as a Kite, and Piece of Cake. idk how he does it Rivers just knows how to make an catchy infectious song no matter what. Zombie B******s I can just listen to forever.
Also idk why I put High as a Kite in the paragraph before I love the song but its not really catchy its more like Too Many Thoughts in my Head, and Im Just being Honest which are just None the less I love them both.
Then there's Byzantine I absolutely love this song maybe because im a history nerd, but god the strings in it, actually the whole song does make me feel like im Greece, and its not the only song with a "European" feel to it, cant knock the hustle also had a similar feel. But the lyrics relating the relationship being complicated and relating it to the unnecessary complicated system of governance the Byzantine Empire had at the same time managing it make it sound like a warm relaxing day at greek beaches. its perfect.
I didnt really enjoy Living in L.A. The opening with im back in black sounds kinda corny maybe cuz I cringe at my younger days being an AC/DC fan, other than that one nitpick I just dont really feel the song. Also didnt like California Snow either I like the production but it has the same formula as Living in L.A. Maybe I just dont like California and the state should just sink already
Overall I love this album, and im taking that comment about Califonia Snow because im listening to it again and its growing on me its like Living in LA done right.
black album itt you love to see it we won @new
see this why ily and you’re the goated goat it’s bc you didn’t suck up bullshit about weezer and just went in unbiased just LISTENING TO MUSIC as it came to you, that’s what weezer is about !!!!!
that’s why i love putting ppl like that but it’s just like them and how they feel about it on how it comes onto them and none of the cult 90s s***, im so tired of all the 4chan and reddit clique coming in and having opinions already made up bc of s*** they read and go in already hating like pacific daydream bc fantano s***s on it like a dumbass he is
ppl need to be themselves ffs stop looking for validation, yes weezer had amazing 90 in but we have enough material for that era worth of 4 albums if not 5 and that’s good enough!!! how boring would it be in 2019 if an album like black never happened despite how ppl feel about it - who else makes a song titled byzantine and puts some bossanova to it but also adds electronic synths !??
not sure what you mean about the daft punkn cover link? might be halo reach lol
love can’t knock the hustle, that’s funny you say that to me it reminds me more of nyc maybe the video influenced that - funny story the video was originally shot for happy hours (which did great charting wise and still gets radio rotation) but then they got onto the black album and used it for cardigan disaster as the original black album lead single but that never happened and the song got totally scrapped and now it’s used for cant knock the hustle lol
love the intro of that song, and the whole bass over it, such a groove, when it came out i thought it would be the most “classic weezer” song from the album and the rest would be way more like california snow (which was already out, used for a movie) so at first album was a bit let down for me felt compromised but i grew up really liking it as it is
ZOMBIE B******S is GOAT, so many fans gave it backlash but it’s pop done right, it’s so earwormy you have to be in absolute denial to reject it and really be stuck on the concept of rocking n guitars shredding and not focusing on hooks itself to hate something like this, what a bop!
high as a kite is pure weezer vibes like no other but imo california snow is a future in which i wish rivers had more confident in going for the boys but feels like bc of the weezer brand being forever categorized as 90s alt rock act and its fans demanding he’s worried about it even tho he’s great at it, it’s what i wanted the whole album to be and like i wrote about it the song if you break it down is amazingly written storytelling wise and how the production progresses - that’s a very red album element and from there on i know you would like the album bc of how much you love the red album, black has some similars concept in how it’s very rich sonically and production wise and goes forward but just makes it more weezerish in a way that the red did (only rivers songs and him singing, has some guitars and stuff about girls)
living in la is a grower bop, the chorus sounds so much like the police to me when he says FEEL SO LONELLY the flow reminds me of this
live version makes it appreciate it more, the solo he adds at the end of it 👌
and yeah byzantinne is a modern underrated classic imo for the reasons i already mentioned above also funny part is that the bridge with that guitar riff is an old riff from his band before weezer, how crazy is that lol only rivers would revisit such obscure old recording he did from the 80s and rework into a new 2019 song somehow
I think I figured out what She Has A Way With Words sounds kinda like. It might be Time Is Running Out by Muse. I still think It’s something else but it might be that.
mmm i think there’s something far more similar to be found just havnt got around to dig into it, it may be why he scrapped it in hindsight he found it before us lol
Wish there was a Strokes thread that was this popping. These are my two popular bands that I’m ride or die for. Lol
saw strokes live during first impressions of earth tour
black album itt you love to see it we won @new
see this why ily and you’re the goated goat it’s bc you didn’t suck up bullshit about weezer and just went in unbiased just LISTENING TO MUSIC as it came to you, that’s what weezer is about !!!!!
that’s why i love putting ppl like that but it’s just like them and how they feel about it on how it comes onto them and none of the cult 90s s***, im so tired of all the 4chan and reddit clique coming in and having opinions already made up bc of s*** they read and go in already hating like pacific daydream bc fantano s***s on it like a dumbass he is
ppl need to be themselves ffs stop looking for validation, yes weezer had amazing 90 in but we have enough material for that era worth of 4 albums if not 5 and that’s good enough!!! how boring would it be in 2019 if an album like black never happened despite how ppl feel about it - who else makes a song titled byzantine and puts some bossanova to it but also adds electronic synths !??
not sure what you mean about the daft punkn cover link? might be halo reach lol
love can’t knock the hustle, that’s funny you say that to me it reminds me more of nyc maybe the video influenced that - funny story the video was originally shot for happy hours (which did great charting wise and still gets radio rotation) but then they got onto the black album and used it for cardigan disaster as the original black album lead single but that never happened and the song got totally scrapped and now it’s used for cant knock the hustle lol
love the intro of that song, and the whole bass over it, such a groove, when it came out i thought it would be the most “classic weezer” song from the album and the rest would be way more like california snow (which was already out, used for a movie) so at first album was a bit let down for me felt compromised but i grew up really liking it as it is
ZOMBIE B******S is GOAT, so many fans gave it backlash but it’s pop done right, it’s so earwormy you have to be in absolute denial to reject it and really be stuck on the concept of rocking n guitars shredding and not focusing on hooks itself to hate something like this, what a bop!
high as a kite is pure weezer vibes like no other but imo california snow is a future in which i wish rivers had more confident in going for the boys but feels like bc of the weezer brand being forever categorized as 90s alt rock act and its fans demanding he’s worried about it even tho he’s great at it, it’s what i wanted the whole album to be and like i wrote about it the song if you break it down is amazingly written storytelling wise and how the production progresses - that’s a very red album element and from there on i know you would like the album bc of how much you love the red album, black has some similars concept in how it’s very rich sonically and production wise and goes forward but just makes it more weezerish in a way that the red did (only rivers songs and him singing, has some guitars and stuff about girls)
living in la is a grower bop, the chorus sounds so much like the police to me when he says FEEL SO LONELLY the flow reminds me of this
!https://youtu.be/fXcbDEczwwclive version makes it appreciate it more, the solo he adds at the end of it 👌
!https://youtu.be/QgI9qLKhn3Yand yeah byzantinne is a modern underrated classic imo for the reasons i already mentioned above also funny part is that the bridge with that guitar riff is an old riff from his band before weezer, how crazy is that lol only rivers would revisit such obscure old recording he did from the 80s and rework into a new 2019 song somehow
yea that daft punk might be a halo reach lol the first song kinda just reminds me electronic music I dont listen to electronic much so my word on that aint mean much, the album just sounded so left field compared to what I expected. perhaps this the wlr of Weezer
Agree on that reddit/4chan /fantano circle jerk point, before I went here id hate having to go there for new music, fantano was fine for finding new music but reddit and 4chan is terrible for it. Ktt2 has been great for me for finding music
I read your California snow post but I complete forgot about it till now might have to reread it
and yea Living in the LA might be a grower after typing that post I went to wash the dishes and I put Black album on again and already see myself enjoying it more than before.
Wish there was a Strokes thread that was this popping. These are my two popular bands that I’m ride or die for. Lol
last posted yesterday so its still kinda active
also I listened to their debut and I thought it was alright what u recommend from them?
yea that daft punk might be a halo reach lol the first song kinda just reminds me electronic music I dont listen to electronic much so my word on that aint mean much, the album just sounded so left field compared to what I expected. perhaps this the wlr of Weezer
Agree on that reddit/4chan /fantano circle jerk point, before I went here id hate having to go there for new music, fantano was fine for finding new music but reddit and 4chan is terrible for it. Ktt2 has been great for me for finding music
I read your California snow post but I complete forgot about it till now might have to reread it
and yea Living in the LA might be a grower after typing that post I went to wash the dishes and I put Black album on again and already see myself enjoying it more than before.
haha you’re good choky goat, wlr comparison is good, it was intentional i think that’s why he went with those two colors where lot of ppl expecting yellow album or what not, with the white and black there was a mission set - the white would be throwback weezer where the producer (huge weezer stan who had his own weezer tribute band growing up) had more to say on it and wanted to make it retro and black would be the counter balanced to it, rivers free of anything to give back to stans and just do it as he wanted it
when he first brought up the black album there was talks of mumble rap, lil uzi vert influence, post malone featuring and rivers covering lot of rap songs - so when california snow came out and then was confirmed to be on the album and we got a glimpse of cant knock the hustle i was so hyped bc this is what i wanted !!!!
but the teal took them by surprise, the africa cover meme they dropped for that one fan who made that twitter account to make a campaign for it and we’ll rest is historic it really took off so they dropped a whole album which went big and i think that, the whole thing happened while finishing the black album, kinda compromised the black album in too bringing some more rock songs in it - i did an alt tracklist of black that ditches some of the more rock songs and adds some more of the pop stuff from around that time if you’re ever curious to hear it out, its so f***ing good and fun 😫😫😫 goes more in the mood of zombie and less of prince who wanted (song was written with brian bell btw, like they did with la girlz for white)
but yeah f*** all that community fantano fans, reddit 4chan RYM all of it are soo fullll of shiiiit and take themselves so seriously they use weezer to present themselves and never actually appreciate just music for what it is, such poseur loser bs
u need me to link u to the cali post?
last posted yesterday so its still kinda active
also I listened to their debut and I thought it was alright what u recommend from them?
julian casablancas x weezer song cant come soon enough
ça va aller mon frère @BaroudeurFlipFlop ?
ça va aller mon frère @BaroudeurFlipFlop ?
Le mieux possible !
That song is so niceeee, is this new??
from their latest album to date - the black album, 2019
choky and i were writing about it just above - very eclectic album 🖤 was originally influenced by mumble stuff
from their latest album to date - the black album, 2019
choky and i were writing about it just above - very eclectic album 🖤 was originally influenced by mumble stuff
I really need to listen to their discography man all the songs I've heard been great
Just checked the Wikipedia page and why is every other album called Weezer tho
I really need to listen to their discography man all the songs I've heard been great
Just checked the Wikipedia page and why is every other album called Weezer tho
my fav album is weezer
also love weezer
not sure how i feel about weezer tho
haha it’s because they’re self titled but it’s played by the colors of the covers, so we refer to each by their colors
my fav album is weezer
also love weezer
not sure how i feel about weezer tho
haha it’s because they’re self titled but it’s played by the colors of the covers, so we refer to each by their colors
Aight that sounds fire also that album called hurley with Jorge Garcia face as the cover wtf is up with that
Aight that sounds fire also that album called hurley with Jorge Garcia face as the cover wtf is up with that
original photo
idk rivers said he thought the photo was so wholesome he loved the energy it vibrates
original photo
idk rivers said he thought the photo was so wholesome he loved the energy it vibrates
As a Lost fanatic I approve