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  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    1. Pinkerton
    2. White
    3. Blue
    4. Red (Deluxe Edition)
    5. Maladroit
    6. Green
    7. Pacific Daydream (this and MB kinda tied)
    8. Make Believe
    9. Hurley (some really good tracks on relisten but overall pretty lifeless)
    10. Black
    11. Raditude


  • Jan 12, 2021

    1. Pinkerton
    2. White
    3. Blue
    4. Red (Deluxe Edition)
    5. Maladroit
    6. Green
    7. Pacific Daydream (this and MB kinda tied)
    8. Make Believe
    9. Hurley (some really good tracks on relisten but overall pretty lifeless)
    10. Black
    11. Raditude

    real for putting red so high

  • Jan 12, 2021

    Worth a listen


    ive seen that gonna try when i get off

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply
    G Roy

    @Ithaka do u know what time/era Looking For A Fight was recorded? Sounds like pacific daydream to me kinda but i could be wrong
    also yes since you've sent it to me i've listened to it basically everyday lmao

    version we had is obviously the white album era so yeh it was done in 2015 or so, wish the song was up on youtube to spread it itt 🥵

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply


    you seen this lol

    doesn’t really work imo

  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    version we had is obviously the white album era so yeh it was done in 2015 or so, wish the song was up on youtube to spread it itt 🥵

    genuinely might be one of my all time favs at this point lol just amazing how well it ended up working

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply
    G Roy

    genuinely might be one of my all time favs at this point lol just amazing how well it ended up working

    malagrimes goated it’s a bop it’s cool to know it evolved into livin in la but im mad rivers didn’t run with that origina idea alone and keep the sample, this - california snow, zombie b******s and cant knock the hustle are what i was expecting black to be: the opposite of white

    can you send it to choky and tell him about it?! im at work

    he’ll love it

  • G Roy 🩻
    Jan 12, 2021

    malagrimes goated it’s a bop it’s cool to know it evolved into livin in la but im mad rivers didn’t run with that origina idea alone and keep the sample, this - california snow, zombie b******s and cant knock the hustle are what i was expecting black to be: the opposite of white

    can you send it to choky and tell him about it?! im at work

    he’ll love it

    will do

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    i’ll tell u my weakness....

  • Jan 12, 2021

    i’ll tell u my weakness....

  • Jan 12, 2021
    2 replies

    you seen this lol


    doesn’t really work imo

    Omg not everything needs guitar, these people are ridiculous sometimes. Nice effort tho.

  • Jan 12, 2021
    · edited

    Omg not everything needs guitar, these people are ridiculous sometimes. Nice effort tho.

    RIGHT? haha, it just sounds so out of place on the songs chords and rythm

  • Jan 12, 2021

    Omg not everything needs guitar, these people are ridiculous sometimes. Nice effort tho.

    i’ll give you this altho i don’t like to speak negatively about the band especially within the more recent works bc the backlash they get over it is absolutely beyond ridiculous and uncalled for: i hate too many thoughts in my head

    it is beyond my comprehension how the hook is originally from what 1998 and rivers went back to it during ewbaite and worked around it all the way to the black album as if it was something to hold onto tight

    if he couldn’t make anything out of baby or rosemary but can turn this into a song to put in a color emblematic album? like whaaa

    wasn’t fan of just being honest at first either bc it’s just this easy pop rock tune on an album i wanted more california snow & zombie b******s radical it ive come to appreciate alright, if anything it balances out the rest

    and altho brian‘s attempt at a t-rex type beat with prince who wanted everything is admirable, feels the most out of place of all the songs here - again goes within my idea that it was put in as compromise midway into doing the album while teal took off but who knows for sure

    that’s why my black alt tracklist floats better, ill post it later

  • Jan 12, 2021

    ça va aller mon frère @BaroudeurFlipFlop ?


  • Jan 12, 2021
    2 replies

    @cotton_dockers @RVI @grimes @Womanpuncher69 @HeyFella @Goo @Teal_ @Cookies @Kaiser @Vtticvz see this what im here hustling for.. real s***, all for the music

    As it should be, darn it!

  • Jan 12, 2021

    As it should be, darn it!

  • Jan 12, 2021

    As it should be, darn it!

    feller said darn it, thread about to get locked

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    @DonutHole ok tonight blue album

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Worth a listen



    You check this out

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    @DonutHole ok tonight blue album

    The first couple songs threw me off, I thought they were boring and I was afraid I'd had to drag through this for 40 minutes - they're not awful just not my cup of tea...
    The middle was ok
    Found out that the blue album is their debut which makes sense since they sounded really free on this album compared to the green album (the mainstream appealing one according irrc )

    • Buddy Holly has good guitar solo at the end, nice

    But then....the last 4 songs made this worthwhile for me, they're all my favorites of this project

    • say it ain't so (really appreciate the blues influence on the guitar riffs)

    • in the garage (I love the message more then the song, very fitting for a debut album a'd really speaks to those who are more comfortable being themselves, alone or amongst trusted friends)

    • holiday - fun song, nothing more I just instantly enjoyed it

    • only in dreams - I was surprised it was 7 minutes long, felt like 2, very great outro

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply


    You check this out

    my boi said “YOU. CHECK. THIS. OUT. NOW!!!!!”

    gotchu will do in a minute

  • Jan 12, 2021

    The first couple songs threw me off, I thought they were boring and I was afraid I'd had to drag through this for 40 minutes - they're not awful just not my cup of tea...
    The middle was ok
    Found out that the blue album is their debut which makes sense since they sounded really free on this album compared to the green album (the mainstream appealing one according irrc )

    • Buddy Holly has good guitar solo at the end, nice

    But then....the last 4 songs made this worthwhile for me, they're all my favorites of this project

    • say it ain't so (really appreciate the blues influence on the guitar riffs)

    • in the garage (I love the message more then the song, very fitting for a debut album a'd really speaks to those who are more comfortable being themselves, alone or amongst trusted friends)

    • holiday - fun song, nothing more I just instantly enjoyed it

    • only in dreams - I was surprised it was 7 minutes long, felt like 2, very great outro

    your takes are always the most fascinating

    you also pick on the best - only in dreams is peak weezer

    you’re right for the bluesy riff of say it ain’t so, i think rivers was studying a lot of jimi hendrix at that time

    holiday was written as nothing more of a fun happy song, it was when they heard they were signed so rivers wrote this, love the beach boys break down tho

    i recommend you to give it some listens, it can come off more raw bc it’s early 90s they’re young and this was when nirvana was big but it’s really a killer album from start to finish


  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    my boi said “YOU. CHECK. THIS. OUT. NOW!!!!!”

    gotchu will do in a minute

    Nah it’s all good. Honestly this is really the main stand out from it other than Burning Sun of course

  • Jan 12, 2021
    1 reply

    here’s my black album alt tracklist for anyone wanted to go try it, this is in order to make it more what id thought it would be - on the poppier side production, less guitar as opposed to white, just like it’s color it should’ve been a total black out contrast to it ... ofc there’s no hate it’s only “alternative” ive expressed how i now really like the black album as it came to be anyway, it’s just for fun

    tbh this is actually beautiful as it’s a miracle that a lot of these songs i used to it that are collaborations from around this era or white album era somehow all manages to have productions with some ambient little pieces intro and outros that oddly blends it all amazingly together even tho it’s absolute different albums and artists and productions and years, it’s weird that it works this good, im cheating by using feats especially the avalanches one not to take away from their album but this does makes for a stellar black album man, pretty impressive - altho it’s a bit odd like the awolnation is really another band song singing and rivers gets a verse and harmonizes with him, but the song fits so good in it !!!

    @HeyFella @Womanpuncher69 @grimes

    1. can’t knock the hustle
    2 zombie b******s
    3. high as a kite
    4. livin in la
    5. pacific coast highway (song by awolnation featuring rivers cuomo)
    6. i still wanna know (song by rac featuring rivers cuomo)
    7. gucci rock n rolla (song by snakehips featuring rivers cuomo and kyle)
    8. running red lights (song by the avalanches featuring rivers cuomo and and pink siifu)
    9. byzantine
    10. california snow

    can make a playlist if necessary to help out

  • Jan 12, 2021

    Nah it’s all good. Honestly this is really the main stand out from it other than Burning Sun of course


    harsh, i hear bells is a mood - killer melodies on it, the early beatles inspiration kick back on the front

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