This is a question that has been bothering me for quite a while due to people, always without citing sources, stating that Ancient Egyptian people and pharaohs and what have you were dark-skinned.
But can we for certain say "the ancient Egyptians were X color" before getting "colonized" by the greeks?
The history of ancient Egypt is longer than the history of modern humanity. There were probably times in there where they were black, but nobody can say for sure.
No they had the skin of someone from the middle east/north Africa so I guess dark but not 'black' as we envision it
Let's leave the phony bullshit out, they were neither white nor black
I will channel Cleopatra's spirit and ask her
cleopatra def had greek blood (ptolemaic dynasty). But im talking about ramses, tutanchamon etc.
This is a question that has been bothering me for quite a while due to people, always without citing sources, stating that Ancient Egyptian people and pharaohs and what have you were dark-skinned.
But can we for certain say "the ancient Egyptians were X color" before getting "colonized" by the greeks?
No. You can't apply modern ideas of race to ancient cultures as race, as we understand it, is a medievil European invention. Skin color varied between the peoples of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Nubia and also was dependent on who controlled the region/was in power at any particular point in time.
As i know greeks called the egyptian land "kemet" which meant black land.
and that wasn't in reference to skin color lol
i've heard people say the Sphynx face was carved as a Nubian Sub-Saharan African, looking at the proportions being compared, it seems plausable