Going further out East with these, comprehensive list of some of a regions examples (had to search “most handsome”, every area got some ugly mfs).
Point is, you won’t see anyone that looks Roman or Irish white.
No. You can't apply modern ideas of race to ancient cultures as race, as we understand it, is a medievil European invention. Skin color varied between the peoples of Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Nubia and also was dependent on who controlled the region/was in power at any particular point in time.
This. We didn’t group people into categories like that back then
Going further out East with these, comprehensive list of some of a regions examples (had to search “most handsome”, every area got some ugly mfs).
Point is, you won’t see anyone that looks Roman or Irish white.
Lmao that Indian dude looks like a famous Greek singer
Going further out East with these, comprehensive list of some of a regions examples (had to search “most handsome”, every area got some ugly mfs).
Point is, you won’t see anyone that looks Roman or Irish white.
Why that dude with the camel so sexy
Going further out East with these, comprehensive list of some of a regions examples (had to search “most handsome”, every area got some ugly mfs).
Point is, you won’t see anyone that looks Roman or Irish white.
some of these pics sus
some of them looking like models. you know the models they pick to not look like the country they came from. that indian dude dont even look indian at all...
some of these pics sus
some of them looking like models. you know the models they pick to not look like the country they came from. that indian dude dont even look indian at all...
??? He’s Indian Every country has ugly mfs, but that doesn’t mean they rep the WHOLE ass country
Had to search most handsome men cuz I’d just get mfs that look like this (no offence):
??? He’s Indian Every country has ugly mfs, but that doesn’t mean they rep the WHOLE ass country
Had to search most handsome men cuz I’d just get mfs that look like this (no offence):
that indian guy look like a country singer modeling for his marketing pictures
that indian guy look like a country singer modeling for his marketing pictures
I guess, point is, they all look the same tbh, just that place of the world.
Like, mostly everyone from South America will look similar, with a few light changes here & there. Etc.
these blue eyes
some of these pics sus
some of them looking like models. you know the models they pick to not look like the country they came from. that indian dude dont even look indian at all...
India is a giant and diverse country. They have light-skinned people.
India is a giant and diverse country. They have light-skinned people.
Literally the whole pool of ppl I posted, could be found in ANY ONE of those countries, no joke.
The Egyptian could’ve been born in Levantine area, the Iranian could’ve been born in India, the Arabic could’ve been born in Pakistan, etc.
Wake up and know the truth!
The thought of ancient Egyptians walking around and constantly brushing their hair to get the waves
Yes and no. It depends on what era of ancient Egypt because different people ruled at different times and over the years they all
kinda just mixed up into a melting pot.
As i know greeks called the egyptian land "kemet" which meant black land.
that’s because of the black soil in the nile delta
No they had the skin of someone from the middle east/north Africa so I guess dark but not 'black' as we envision it
Let's leave the phony bullshit out, they were neither white nor black