So this guy dated and ghosted a bunch of girls and they're accusing him of LOVE BOMBING and GASLIGHTING them, like he abused them
we don't read the rollingstone round here
Crazy how it is socially acceptable to just expose people publicly on social media like that for random s***. Ghosting happens to everyone, tough luck sis.
there's gotta be more to the story
how can they be so upset about this
Pop psychology self-care instagram infographics made people believe that any interaction with another person that left you feeling a bit sad is abusive
Love bombing?
A form of chemical warfare (because it hacks your brain chemicals)
we’re calling tik tok gossip a femcel uprising 😐
Nah not female femcel
we’re calling tik tok gossip a femcel uprising 😐
Thread title made me commit uncompensated emotional labor
wtf is love bombing new age hoes love coming up with the dumbest s***
I mean it is a thing in cycles of abuse but they're applying it to situations where it doesn't apply that's the issue
"Femcels" go on dates and have s***
Praying for my loser brethren in these trying times
This is some weirdo s*** based off the article. I've never been an advocate for ghosting but you're asking for it if you're using a dating app.
wtf is love bombing new age hoes love coming up with the dumbest s***
A manipulation tactic in which you shower someone with love just to discard them later
IMHO lovebombing and gaslighting should be criminal offenses subject to the full power of the law #CriminalizeLovebombingTerrorists