Second one seems strangely specific and maybe personal
Nah it’s a thing, there’s a phrase for it. Where you know overestimate and act like you know more about something you know little about
Nah it’s a thing, there’s a phrase for it. Where you know overestimate and act like you know more about something you know little about
You can go further down the rabbit hole. Stupid people simply don’t have goals. Smart people have goals. Stupid people don’t make friends easily. Smart people make friends easily. S*** like that
Smart people make friends easily??? Haha that’s a joke
Smart people make friends easily??? Haha that’s a joke
Yeah looking back idk bout that one
The Freddy Krueger Effect?
no common sense
they need damn near everything explained to them
ppl that literally can’t understand what their doing is wrong
Everyone says im smart because i have a Masters Degree in math, but i have a lot of advantages in life. I think intelligence must be real as I can figure stuff out faster than a lot of people, but it’s also fairly malleable.
The girl im FW comes from a more dangerous background where in order to survive, she needed to be resourceful and clever in ways I never had to. Meeting her and engaging with her lifestyle has me thinking outside of a box i didnt know i was in.
Some girls who didn’t like her, told me she was going to rob me, but it’s been months and it hasn’t happened. I still don’t trust her all the way, and we’re engaged in a death note-esque battle of wits, whether i can read her better or if she’s playing me.
I’d say there’s a 30 percent chance i end up dead because of her. I don’t care what none of yall say, i still love her 🙄
I think we all consider intelligence to be something we had to work hard at, but are reasonably good.
Im autistic and grew up with poor social skills, but worked hard to understand others. My best friend has a manipulative strategy where when he wants attention, he’ll complain about his crazy ex. Who he still chooses to f*** with. Does anyone else realize this? No every time the conversation stops and everyone acts all sympathetic.