bro really said apple pie wtf goin on
idk how u can hear a song like that and not like it
I gotta go “coffee bean” or “apple pie”.
as a bundle scott criticizer those are actually amazing album closers
I like stuff where it feels like an epilogue or a post-script, or something intentionally minor to offset a massive work, or something intentionally more fun and upbeat to offset a darker work, or 'Concept's over now, want to hear the hardest beat ever?'
Whatever way it is, I'm a huge fan of this approach to final tracks that divert from your expectations in some way
My Body is a Cage - Arcade Fire
After Hours - The Velvet Underground
Live at Dominoes - The Avalanches
Semena Mertvykh - Boards of Canada
Untitled 08 - Kendrick Lamar
Her Majesty - The Beatles
The Maid We Messed - Matt Elliott (20 minute long drum & bass track after a depressing folk album)
Riot! - Earl Sweatshirt
I wish I could remember more off the top of my head but I love it when it happens
Jimmy Cooks on Honestly Nevermind
nigga listed travis best ones lol
Mortal Man
actual idiot