I knew the game was trash before I bought it, I'm unfortunately a Final Fantasy fan boy so I just had to get it, but Dissidia Final Fantasy NT really is some f***ing garbage bruh
Coming from someone that has always wanted to play a Dissidia title, but not having the platform to play them... I appreciate NT being on Steam. Especially as a fan service, which I feel they've done a good job with.
But yeah, as an actual game it's pretty damn cheeks
Coming from someone that has always wanted to play a Dissidia title, but not having the platform to play them... I appreciate NT being on Steam. Especially as a fan service, which I feel they've done a good job with.
But yeah, as an actual game it's pretty damn cheeks
Fam I'm just waiting for Square to stop being cowards and port Dissidia 012 and hopefully FF Tactics to the Switch. I can't be doing this NT s*** no more
Getting ready for 4?
Did you like 1 & 2?
I am getting ready for 4 and yeah I loved those too.
terraria for a little while
Dragon Quest 11. It’s good tbh. Some corny writing and the repetitiveness towards the end kinda kills it. Just trying to finish it tbh
I also bought witcher 3 but I’m having a hard time getting into it.
The Witcher 3 gets gassed because of its storytelling; the gameplay and world design are nothing special. The story only starts to pick up in Velen, so I’d recommend that you advance through the storylines in that zone before deciding if you want to keep going. If you aren’t enjoying the quests then it’s not for you.
Super Blood Hockey
Games f***in hilarious. It would be significantly more popular if it had native online multiplayer.
I knew the game was trash before I bought it, I'm unfortunately a Final Fantasy fan boy so I just had to get it, but Dissidia Final Fantasy NT really is some f***ing garbage bruh
Such a disappointment
id say p4g but this finnicky f***shit pstv only registers button presses outside of apps so i cant play, update or anything else
just finished red dead 2 recently on pc and i absolutely loved it
never played the first one but now i really want to
Just started my PS3 backlog. I've got Uncharted 2-3, Resistance 1-3, Silent Hill HD collection and the Jak and Daxter collection to get through. Once those are done, I'll probably grab a PS4 for cheap and start on that long list (God of War, Spider-man and Uncharted 4 to start).
Beat Killzone Shadowfall:
Story- 6/10
Graphics- 8/10
Gameplay- 7/10
Enjoy ability- 7/10
World Design- 10/10
Character Deisgn- 7/10
Finished TW3 main story, have no desire rn to play the expansions so I think I'll save them for later
Played RE2 high last night and holy f***, it was like I was in the game walking slowly around every corner because I was that scared I know I should avoid as many zombies as I can but I really can't seem to walk around them without one grabbing me. Fighting one takes like 10 rounds even when aiming for the head/legs
Panicked so many times because they were approaching me while I lined a shot up