picked up devil may cry 5. not really feeling it so far
DMC too repetitive for me, only played a couple hours of 5 so idk
Just beat FF6, thought it was alright in the first part but once you get to the post apocalyptic world s*** jumps from a 8 to a 9 with the quickness
That final boss battle
Great game but now I need a FF break I think Im gonna do Chrono Trigger next
DMC too repetitive for me, only played a couple hours of 5 so idk
DMC series is like antithesis of repetitive lol
Just beat FF6, thought it was alright in the first part but once you get to the post apocalyptic world s*** jumps from a 8 to a 9 with the quickness
That final boss battle
Great game but now I need a FF break I think Im gonna do Chrono Trigger next
you use an emulator for FF6?
Just finished Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc; it's a wonderful execution of this premise of a high school murder mystery Battle Royale. The series of murder cases that the player is tasked with solving throughout the game are genuinely intriguing with plenty of twists added to the mix to keep you second-guessing, and I had a lot of fun gathering and piecing together the clues and evidence (though I did end up overthinking a few of the cases).
The highlight of Danganronpa is the class trial: visual novel style courtroom debates comprised of various minigames that serve as the centrepiece of the game. The presentation of these trials is impressive, with kinetic typography, motion graphics, dynamic camerawork, and a shifting soundtrack coming together to make the debates feel intense and exciting. The characterisation of the students really comes alive in these trials, and it’s satisfying to see how all the clues and evidence that you've gathered line up (I especially enjoyed the comic strip closing arguments).
(The back half of the final class trial leading in to the ending was stupidly long, though. I ended up mashing x to skip a lot of dialogue because the characters were just repeating the same sentiment over and over.)
Rivals of aether
Too underrated
Streets of rage 4 , n done within a few hours if that .not a long game by any means . Need sum new ideas but store looks s***
killer instinct 2013 pretty fun
Started FF7
feels good being back
Original or remake? I just finished the remake and goddamn that battle was system was some GOAT s***. Never played the original though, you recommend I play that or just stick to the remakes?
About 10 hours in subnautica, just encountered my first leviathan now I’m thinking this is a horror game...
Original or remake? I just finished the remake and goddamn that battle was system was some GOAT s***. Never played the original though, you recommend I play that or just stick to the remakes?
OG game ! Definitely play it its a little bit dated but if you dont mind its a great experience, and the ending to the remake might even make more sense if you know the OG story lol
been playing stellaris getting a better understanding of after 3 days of play
makes me wanna jump to trying to get into europa
Bought Rogue Galaxy from the PlayStation Store so i;m currently playing that. I used to love this game as a kid but man it is annoying.
picked up devil may cry 5. not really feeling it so far
You're not the only one...
I love Dante but Nero and ESPECIALLY V ARE ASS!!!
Nero was actually my favorite because of how he played in 4 but his new gimmick is lame IMO.
Dante of course is incredible.
V...ruined the game for me singlehandedly. His playstyle completely goes against the nature of DMC. His character design is terrible as well. What a complete waste and piece of s*** stupidass f***in character this dude is, fr bro...I was so mad every time I had to use him I just stopped playing. Deadass.
I also never upgraded him...got pretty far but once got over V, the environments started to get dull quick. At first everything was fire but as soon as you get to that demon lookin s***, it becomes all you see for a while to tha point to where I got bored of tha s***.
Weak overrated game IMO. If I could only play as Dante, my opinion would 180.
Just cleared another Total War: Three Kingdoms campaign, this time with LuBu. Most stressful campaign yet. Was at war from the moment the game loaded, and ended up warring with damn near the entire map since early game
Probably going back to Warhammer II to run a Vampire Count campaign